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Ostara Stiltskin
(trickster, heiress, chaotic)

Ostara Stiltskin (trickster, heiress, chaotic)

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Tom Riddle
(powerful, intelligent, ambitious)

Rumple Stiltskin (mischievous, bargainer, father)

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Rumple Stiltskin
(mischievous, bargainer, father)

Rumple Stiltskin (mischievous, bargainer, father)

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Abraxas Malfoy
(vein, wealthy, reserved)

Sebastian Arya (joyous, comforting, undervalued)

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Sebastian Arya
(joyous, comforting, undervalued)

Sebastian Arya (joyous, comforting, undervalued)

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Linius Becker
(charming, romantic, bold)

Isidore Rosier (potioneer, resentful, broken)

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Isidore Rosier
(potioneer, resentful, broken)

Cleo and Corrine Lestrange (mystic, disconnected, prophetesses)

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Cleo and Corrine Lestrange
(mystic, disconnected, prophetesses)

Cleo and Corrine Lestrange (mystic, disconnected, prophetesses)

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Edison Avery
(calculating, archer, precise)

Edison Avery (calculating, archer, precise)

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J.K Rowling owns full rights to characters such as Tom Riddle, Albus Dumbledore and Horace Slughorn. These characters are not my own. All other original characters belong to me. However, feel free to ask for permission to use.

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