Chapter 2 - Knockturn Alley

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"Why can't you take me?" Star asked her father as she threw her white cloak over her clothes.

"Do you want to be the laughing stock of the school? If they see your goblin father, you will not make any new friends."

"I'm not ashamed of you father," Star said, bending down and taking her fathers hand in hers.

"I know, but it is just easier this way. Sebastian will watch over you," Rumplestiltskin said.

Ostara sighed loudly as she adjusted her bag over her shoulder.

"What?" her father asked. "Did Sebastian do something?"

"No. Nothing like that. He just-" she stumbled to find the words. "Forget about it."

"Star," he father said sternly.

"He is just too good. I worry he is too attached to me."

"Loyalty is an admirable quality."

"Watching me buy supplies to leave him behind will break him." To that her father gave no response.

Handing Ostara a large sum of wizarding currency she had never seen before, he spoke. "Straight to Diagon Alley, and then straight home."

"I thought maybe I could head near the Kingdom on my way back and-"

"Ostara, do not be foolish. You do not go near the castle. You know this."

"But why?"

"Because I say so."

"But why do you say so?" She smirked.

"Enough Star."

"Enough father, tell me."

"I will not discuss this with you!"

"You are discussing it as we speak."


"You're the one talking."

"Star! Out!" He raised his hands and created a gust of wind which blew her out the front door.

She landed on the gravel path, dirt staining her white cloak. She grumbled and watched her father slam the door and lock it.

Dusting the pebbles and dirt off of her dress and readjusting her bag, she set off down the path towards Sebastian's house.


"Who would have ever thought witches actually need wands," Sebastian said, admiring the long stick of wood Ostara had just purchased. 12 and a half inches, walnut wood with a Phoenix tail core.

"I think we've almost got everything, you just need one last book."

Ostara drowned out the voice of Sebastian rambling on behind her, she stared up at a decaying sign which read 'Knockturn Alley'.

"Oi! Star! Come back! Don't go down there!" Sebastian called after her as she began to make her way down the dark path.

He finally caught up to her. "Star this place is mega sketchy. Come on, let's go back and get some lunch."

"Look at all the potions!" Star said, gazing through the glass of a dusty window. Shelves upon shelves of potions ranging in size and colour.

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