Chapter 13 - An Uncovering

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Ostara paced, slowly. Her shoes clicked against the cool tiles, as she moved back and fourth.

"Darling, would you sit still? I'm trying to read," Tom spoke from the velvet chair.

It was a Saturday. Most people had gone off to Hogsmeade. Ostara's father had refused her permission to go. And Tom, well... she didn't know why Tom was unable to attend.

So, instead of spending her fathers fortune down at the shops, she was stuck in a dungeon with the person she wanted to kill.

"Why aren't you at Hogsmeade?" she asked.

"Why aren't you?" he snapped back.

"My father refused me permission to go."

"Why?" He closed his book and sat up straight.

"He's always been quite... protective of me," she sighed.

"Interesting." He regarded her words.

"So, why didn't you go?" She repeated her question.

"I have no interest." He relaxed into the chair again and re-opened his book.

"Well we both know that's a lie." She raised her eyebrow.

He laughed. Ostara didn't. She was not joking. She did not trust Tom Riddle anymore. She looked at him with stone eyes.

"Everything alright, Star?" he asked.

"Just peachy," she smiled.

He stood, eyes still glued to her, unsure of how to read her.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"I think I should make a start on my transfiguration essay. I'll go fetch my quill and parchment."

"Allow me," she said. "I have to get my potions notes." He nodded slowly, watching her intently as she climbed the staircase.

She entered Tom's dorm. It was a mess in there. Three beds were unmade and clothes laid messily on the floor, except for one bed in the corner. Tom's bed.

Everything was neat and tidy. The bed was made to perfection, his clothes were folded neatly and hung. Even the books beside his bed were arranged in an architectural manner.

The truth was, Ostara could care less about fetching his quill. She wanted to find Sebastian's note.

Why would Tom take it? Was he jealous of Sebastian? She asked herself. No. That wasn't it. Tom had told everyone about her father being a goblin. He didn't like Ostara. There must have been another reason he wanted the note.

Star crouched down beside his bed-side table. She tried opening the top draw of his table, it was locked. She took her wand from her pocket and muttered "Allohamora." Nothing happened. He had placed a stronger enchantment on the draw.

Ostara was an aware of the unlocking enchantment that surpassed Allohamora. But Star always was one to think outside of the box when she hit a dead end.

"Incendio," she whispered, softly, without much power. A small flame left her wand. She held it close to the edges of the draw, and watch them as they began to melt down into pliable metal.

After they had melted enough, Star manoeuvred the draw, back and forth, until it opened. 

There were some pens and other strange trinkets. Simple muggle items. It was strange to Ostara. Tom Riddle was a pureblood wasn't he? None of the items seemed to match either, there was no consistency. Some being of higher quality and some looking like they'd been passed down from siblings.

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