Chapter 19 - A Simple Memory

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The hallway leading back to the common room seemed longer than Star remembered it to be. Her feet dragged on the floor and her head had began to to pound again.

She inhaled, deeply, before speaking the password to the common room.

Just as she was expecting, the whole group sat around the fire. Except for Tom, he stood near the window, observing the creatures of the lake.

"You couldn't even brush your hair before you made a grand return?" Isidore joked.

Tom turned around slowly. "Where have you been?" he asked, in an authoritative tone.

"You see, I'm not entirely sure. I woke up in the forest, shivering. I don't remember anything."

Edison, Abraxas and Isidore all let out a small laugh.

"You truely are the most stupid girl I've ever encountered in my life Ostara Stiltskin," Tom hissed.

"That's a bit unfair," she defended herself.

"You were meant to be behind us. Only when we returned here last night, you had ran off from the group." Tom walked closer to her.

No one else spoke or even moved.

"Does Mr Becker have anything to do with your absence?" he asked.

"No." She was articulate and sharp.

"Maybe if you didn't behave so immaturely, you wouldn't have had to wake up in the forest." His veins were visible in his neck.

"Why does it concern you? Were you worried?" She pouted.

"I was the one who allowed your little escapade to occur. I am head boy. If something had of gone terribly wrong, it would all trace back to me." He held her gaze. "So, yes, I was worried. But not about you. Do not flatter yourself."

"I wouldn't dream of it," she said, staring into his eyes.

"Fix yourself. A Slytherin would never be seen walking about the castle as you appear now." His eyes slowly moved from hers, as he walked past her and climbed the staircase.

She looked at the others.

"He's got a point about the hair," Abraxas added on.


After a hot shower, Star headed up to the Owlery.

The Owlery was quiet. The only sounds that could be heard were the cheerful squeaks and chirps from the animals.

She sat down near the open window, and took out a piece of parchment.

Dear Linius,

Whilst I was appalled by your lack of hospitality today, I have arrived back at the castle, safely. I still have not been informed about the events of last night, nor do I think I will be. Owl me when you regain your manners and wish to challenge me to a game of chess you git.


She folded up the letter. She didn't have any wax on her. She wasn't from a family with a decadent crest to be made into a wax seal, like so many of her fellow Slytherins. 

She popped the letter in an owls mouth and sent it off. As she watched it fly away, she sighed, loudly.

There was a letter she needed to send. But she wasn't sure if she should.

But what harm could writing it do? She didn't have to send it if she decided not to.

She dipped her quill in the ink.

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