Chapter 14 - The Becker Boy

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"We've been searching for half an hour, Star. I don't know where they are. Let's just go back to the castle," Tom said. He trudged behind Star, visibly fed up with following her in and out of shops.

"Oh come on. Don't be so boring. We haven't checked Madam Puddifoot's." Ostara made her way to the tea shops front door.

The aroma of tea and herbs exciting Ostara's nose. She inhaled deeply, filling her lungs with the scent.

The shop was smaller than she imagined. No sign of any other students was to be seen.

"They're not here. Let's go," Tom said.

"But look at all these teas!" Ostara walked over to a small section at the back of the shop. It had a shelf it perfumes and essential oils. "I've been needing a new fragrance." She picked up a small glass bottled which was labeled 'Spring Roses'.

She dabbed a small dot on her wrist and rubbed them together lightly. Holding her wrist to her nose, she inhaled. "I like it."

Tom stood next to her with an irritated face. His arms were crossed and he was tapping his fingers on his forearm.

"I'll just pay for this, then we can leave. I promise."

Clutching the fragile bottle, she moved away from the shelf and towards the counter.

"Wait." Tom stopped her.

"What?" She looked up at him and his agitated face. He took her hand in his and pried the glass bottle from her grip.

"Rose doesn't suit you." He placed the bottle back on the shelf and picked up the one next to it.

"'Cherry Vanilla,'" he read out. "Sweet but exciting." He took it up to the counter and placed it there.

His arms were still crossed in a temper tantrum like manner.

"Your boyfriend picked out a lovely scent for you. It's one of my favourites." The lady said to Star, as she began to wrap the bottle in paper.

"He's not... we're not..." Star shook her head.

The woman nodded. "Ahh, I understand. Well whoever he is to you, he knows what suits you."

Tom leant over the counter, irritated, and handed the lady the money without another word. He paid and exited the shop

It was strange. That moment felt the most humane she'd seen Tom. He wasn't kind or necessarily romantic, but something about his actions seemed sincere. It felt different to all the other moments the two had shared.

"Thank you," Star said.

"For what?" he asked.

"For the perfume." She smiled.

"Well, what sort of gentleman would I be if I let a lady walk around wearing a perfume that did not reflect her in the slightest." He smirked. "Come on. It's time to head back."

Ostara nodded, slowly. She had accepted defeat in their mission to find their peers. "OK."


It was around four o'clock in the afternoon. The evening chill was beginning to roll in.

The pair walked in step with one another. Not many words were spoken. Tom's styled curl had dropped, slightly. It didn't matter how Tom's hair looked, Ostara was convinced that no style would not suit him.

"What are you looking at Stiltskin?" he remarked.

"Nothing." She smiled. He glanced at her, giving her a playful side eye.

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