Chapter 28 - The Midwife's Tale

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Her bare skin's contact with her silk bedding made it hard for Star to wake. There was a certain sensation of floating upon a cloud that kept her trapped in a sleepy mindset.

However, a gentle tapping rhythm had begun to come from her window. She sat up straight, covering her bare chest with her sheet and followed the sounds of the tapping. It was an owl with a letter.

She reached to the end of her bed and pulled her night robe, which was draped upon a bed pole, toward her. Wrapping it around her body, she opened the window and allowed for the owl to flutter in. It dropped the letter into her hand and stationed itself on the bed pole.

It was certainly one of the most fancy looking letters Star had ever seen. The paper was smooth and thick, and when turned around it was waxed sealed with a gold crest. The crest was one she did not recognise, however upon further inspection, she could make out the words 'Rosier family' underneath the crest.

Dear Ostara,

I do hope your holidays have been better than mine. My sister has me running around like Nearly Headless Nick. With my family being away for so long, I think she's attention deprived. I don't think she can convince the butler to dress up in regency era couture and play suitors - so her darling big brother must be made to fill in the role. I swear I have a rash from the blush she applied to my cheeks.
I suppose what I am asking, is if you will keep true to your invitation on the train and allow us to visit you for Christmas? My sister needs another female to torment and I'm hoping you may be so courteous to entertain her for a night? And you cannot say no to a dying man Ostara, my days are numbered.
P.S: Eli saw that eye roll you just did. Be kind to the bird please, his days are also numbered... I think? He's been serving many pompous Rosier lords for the past 50 years. He awaits your response.

Isidore Rosier

She placed the letter on her nightstand. Eli turned his neck to the side and stared at her.

"I'm sorry!" she spoke to the bird. "Tom Riddle is down stairs saying Merlin knows what to my father as we speak. I don't have time to reply just yet. You can make yourself comfortable here until after breakfast." She moved her finger to pet the owl, however it's head moved quickly towards her index finger, snapping it's jaw tightly. "Ouch!" she screamed, shaking her finger and reaching for a handkerchief to wipe the blood. "Not a very friendly bird are you? Much like your master the first time I met him!" she grunted at the owl as her hand reached for the door handle.

But she stopped as she remembered she was unclothed underneath her robe.

The events of last night had certainly rattled her brain. She was unsure if she could face Tom without her cheeks becoming a rose shade. However, she'd have a better chance of doing so if her nipples were not visible through her clothing. So, she changed into a beautiful pastel blue summer dress that had been sitting in her cupboard, unworn, for far too long.

Leaving the room, she gave Eli one more unfriendly look and shut the door behind herself.

She began to walk down the stairs. But as she heard the conversation between Tom and father, she stopped.

"I may have had a few too many champagnes last night, Mr Riddle. But that doesn't mean I don't know what happened!"

Ostara froze in embarrassment, she held her breath and dared not to move a single foot. She heard the hesitation in Tom's voice before he replied, "Whatever do you mean, Sir?"

"I'm no fool Tom Riddle! You are engaged to my daughter!"

Ostara tried to keep her exhale of relief as quiet as possible. She thanked Merlin silently and then continued to listen in.

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