Chapter 21 - Halloween Pt. 2

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Ostara pushed passed the crowds of students making their way to the hall for the feast. "Move you uncoordinated child!" she hissed at a second year who was blocking the entry to the hospital wing.

Isidore laid curled on the same bed she had placed him on a few hours before.

Madam Pinkwater approached her. "He's been moaning and groaning for hours but the stubborn boy is refusing to answer questions or let me look at him!" She shook her head. "I'm worried about him. I almost called Dippet in before. Maybe a trip to St Mungo's would do the boy good."

"No!" Isidore sat up from the bed. "No St Mungo's," he huffed, then wiped the sweat off of his forehead.

"What on earth is wrong with you boy?" she asked, outraged.

"You want the truth?" Star asked the matron.

Isidore looked at her with a gaze that threatened to scorn her alive.

"He is hungover," she said. 

Isidore relaxed and fell back down on to the bed.

"Hung over!" Madam Pinkwater gawked. "I've been around many years and I've never seen a hang over like that!"

Star pulled the witch closer to her and whispered, "Between you and I, he is a Rosier heir. He's very dramatic." She shook her head and tutted. "He once swore his arm would need to be amputated from a spider bite." She looked at the nurse as if they were sharing a special secret that he would not understand.

The nurse nodded, understandably. "Very well. But if he gets any worse Stiltskin, you bring him back here."

Ostara nodded.

"Give him this potion. It should help," she hesitated, "...ease the effects of whatever he was drinking last night."

"Thank you." She pocketed the potion when they matron wasn't looking (she might need that one for a later date.)

Ostara walked to Isidore and knelt near his bed, she waited for the matron to leave them before she spoke. "Get up, we're going to the forest."

"No! No!" he pleaded.

"Isidore Rosier! You need to give into this curse tonight. We're going to the forest now before you pop a pair of wings in this hospital!"

"No! I'm not going!" he hissed.

The matron peeked her head around from another patient's curtain and gave them a funny look. Star smiled at the nurse. Her eyes lingered on the pair for a moment longer before she returned to the Hufflepuff boy she was caring for.

"Forest. Now!" she said, placing her hand on Isidore's wrist.


Everything moved too quickly to process. They were in the middle of the forbidden forest.

Star felt as though she was going to throw up. Isidore was lying on the ground trembling. She rushed to his side. "Isidore! Are you okay?"

He groaned. "Star, you just Apparated."

She inhaled sharply and took another look at her surroundings. Did she? "But you cannot Apparate inside school grounds," she said, confused. "I don't even know how to Apparate."

"How'd you do that?" he looked almost as confused as her.

"I told you Isidore! I don't know!" she said, defensively

"That is not normal." He supported himself with his arms placed slightly behind him.

"We'll worry about it later! You need to transform, we should be deep enough, I can't see the castle from here."

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