Chapter 10 - The Scorch of Revenge

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Ostara fumbled up the stairs, pushing a group of first years out of the way as she ran. She did not know what was wrong with Isidore, but she knew whatever it was, it was serious and required urgent attention.

But where could she seek help from? The teachers are all in classes, Headmaster Dippet would no doubt be busy with the inspection. She knew who she needed to find, but she was fearsome to tell him what she'd done. She needed Tom.

Rushing around the corridor to the Great Hall, she saw him speaking with the Headmaster and the inspectors.

Ostara tried to gather herself to not appear in a state of panic, but that was hard when there was a boy dying beneath her. She stepped up onto the elevated surface tapping Tom lightly on the shoulder.

He whisked his head around. As his eyes laid in on her, his expression dropped and he pursed his lips. "Star," he said, trying to hide his apprehension. "Shouldn't you be in class?" He raised an eyebrow. 

"Miss Stiltskin, lovely to see you again." One of men shook her hand again. "Tell me, haven't got anymore 'thoughts' about the school that you're willing to share, have you?" He lowered his head and looked up at her as if he was hinting at something.

"I'm afraid not sorry Sir. But Tom and I are working on a potions project together and somethings gone terribly wrong. So I do need to borrow him, if that's okay?"

"Of course," the taller gentleman said. "Are you okay though? You're looking rather pale and sickly."

"And you're one to talk," she snapped back at the man with the gaunt face. He stood in shock looking at her. Her arm linked with Tom's and she had to use all of her force to drag him away from the group.

"What are you doing Stiltskin? I'm not even in your potions class!" he snarled, trying to break from her grip.

Ostara smiled back at the men behind her as she continued to drag Tom away. "Shut up Riddle and walk with me."

"You didn't have to insult Mr. Binip like that..."

"Yes I did. He was annoying me." Ostata began to speed up.

"Why are you running? Are you not going to explain anything to me? I don't have time for childish games Ostara," Tom called out to her.

She stopped in her tracks, taking a deep breath and then turned to face Riddle. "I'm not playing games here Riddle." Her face was stone cold. "Isidore needs help."

"And since when do you help Rosier?" Tom asked, screwing up his face.

"I don't have time to explain, just please follow me."


They entered the common room. Ostara rushed up the stairs, urging Tom to follow her.

She said a quick prayer before she opened the door, she hoped the boy was not dead. She hated him, that's for sure. But she didn't want him dead.

With an inhale, she pushed the door open. Isidore was alive, however he remained unchanged. He was still curled on his side, sweating and twitching.

Tom rushed to his side. "Where are the potions!" he demanded, turning the boy onto his back. "Ostara! Where are his potions?" His voice was panicked.

"About that..." she looked down to her feet. Tom's eyes grew at the sight of the shattered glass below her feet.

"What have you done Ostara?!" He stood and walked closer to her. "You have no idea what you've done."

Ostara groaned and buried her head in her hands. "He's going to die, isn't he? Oh Merlin I've killed a noble heir!" She began pacing around the dorm.

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