Chapter 3 - The Kingdom Dreavaria

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"Say one more thing about saint Riddle and I'm dumping all your books in the lake," Sebastian said.

"I've never met someone more charming than I, Seb. It was strange."

"I think you flatter yourself. You're actually not all that charming. Mr Isidore Rosier didn't seem to think so," he teased.

"Bet?" she said stopping in their tracks to lock eyes with his. "Not even when I do this?" she asked tracing his jawline with her fingertip. "Or this," she breathed inching closer to Sebastian's mouth.

His eyes closed, waiting for a kiss. Ostara laughed as she broke away from him. "See! I am the most charming."

"I hate you," he huffed quietly.

"Come on! I want to make it to the Kingdom before it starts getting dark. Father will have a fit if he knows I'm there." She ran ahead slightly, stopping to spin in the golden sun as Sebastian caught up to her. "Maybe you could see if the stables are hiring," she joked.

"Very funny," he replied unamused. "Your father will turn me into a pumpkin if he knows I'm taking you here Star."

"So don't let him find out!"

"I don't want to go," Sebastian said.

"I'll make you a deal then."

"No. No. Absolutely not." He shook his head.

"What?" Ostara's body moved backward in offence.

"I've seen the deals you make with others, Star."

She huffed, "Fine."

"Wait," he begun. "You were really going to try to strike a deal with me? A deceitful deal?"

"Oh lighten up! Nothing harmful. I love you too much for that. Now come on! If you get me there by three o'clock I'll kiss you!" She reached into Sebastian's jacket and pulled out a pocket watch. "13 more minutes..." she teased.


Their trekking came to an end when they reached the stone pathway towards the Kingdom's village.

"It's 3 o'clock," Sebastian said with a grin.

"Yes, I am well aware," Star said, pushing past him and entering through the outer gates.

"Well, you said, well," he stuttered.

"I said by three. It's three on the dot. So technically you are a minute too late." She smiled at him.

"You and your tricks Ostara." He shook his head as he caught up to her.

"They're not tricks. I just speak. It's not my fault if people interpret my words the wrong way. Now come on!"

Star had only visited the Kingdom Dreavaria a handful of times. And every time her father had accompanied her. She was unsure why, but he hated her going there. Every time they attended, he would wear a dark cloak and gloves. No one ever saw his true identity.

Perhaps it was out of fear. With a little green
goblin father, maybe he was worried the village or even the King and Queen themselves would chase them out with pitchforks and chains.

She felt guilty betraying her father. But the village was so full of life. The music, the dancing, the pure love that spread throughout the air. Ostara longed for the small rush of life that invaded her body when she would visit the Kingdom.

But something felt off this time.

The music played quieter, and it's pace slowed. There was no dancing in the town centre, people walked as if they were lifeless zombies. And perhaps the worst of all; the air felt cold. There was no sense of love or warmth to it anymore.

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