Chapter 35 - Changes

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The heat of their breaths fogged up the window. Tom's hand was pressed firmly against the castle wall as he steadied himself over Ostara, pinning her against the wall.

Both huffed desperately as Tom's body thrusted into her. "Don't. Stop," she breathed into him.

His pace quickened as his pounds became harder. "Do not even think about making another fucking sound." He moved his hand to cover her mouth.

She felt a familiar wave of pleasure swirling in her stomach as her legs became weaker. Judging from Tom's bitten lip and heavy breathing, he felt it too.

"Tom I," she tried to speak, but his hand wouldn't leave her mouth resulting in only inaudible muffles.

From the distance, Dippet's booming voice could be heard. "And the academic excellence award goes to none other than our head boy, Tom Riddle."

Ostara's face dropped. Tom's did the same. The distant claps from the great hall lingered.

He looked to the ceiling of the castle and let out a chuckle. "Perfect fucking timing Dippet," he cursed at the castle ceiling. Though, he did not stop his movements. His hips still rocked back and forth as he heard his name being repeated by the headmaster. There was a look of horror melting over Ostara's face. The look was priceless he thought as he pounded into her. It was enough to drive him over the edge. He smirked, with one final movement, Star felt the warm liquid fill her core as he released into her.

He released her from his hold and pulled out. He then began buckling his pants.

"Has anyone seen Mr Riddle?" Dumbledore's voice rang from inside the hall.

Ostara looked at Tom completely horrified as she quickly tried to make herself look presentable. Both of them scrambled to rearrange their clothing and cover any trace of sin.

Tom pushed his hair back and fixed his sleeves one final time. He began to walk towards the entrance of the Great Hall but stopped for one more moment to look at Ostara. "Do not enter that hall for another ten minutes. Do I make myself clear?"

She nodded.

"And take that stupid potion because I swear to Merlin Ostara if you get preg-"

"I will! Go!" she yelled at the boy, gesturing toward the door.

She listened as Tom made his entrance into the hall. She crept closer so she could hear.

"Apologies headmaster, I had just popped down to the infirmary to offer up some of our treats to the patients who could not be in this room. I had no idea I would be receiving this award. It's an honour," he spoke.

Ostara rolled her eyes. She peeped in through the small crack of the door. Tom was standing next to Dippet shaking his hand with his own, the very same hand that was gripping her breast firmly not a moment ago. The thought made her sick to her stomach. Tom began his speech. Ostara didn't feel like going to the feast anymore. Her messy hair was too deconstructed to appear even slightly in the norm. She headed back to the common room.


She sat by the fire with a book in hand. The vile taste of the potion she had taken was still lingering in her mouth.

These past couple of weeks at Hogwarts, things had changed immensely. Tom and Ostara had continued their secret affair amongst the castle's walls, right under the noses of their peers and teachers.

The pair enjoyed each other's company,  exploring new depths of their sexuality and desires. However, above the sheets, not much had changed between their relationship. Tom was still very much Tom, and when amongst others, he was still very much the same blunt person with a chilly demeanour he had always been.

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