Chapter 9 - Shattered Glass

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Ostara slowly made her way down the stairs from the dorms into the common room. It was early, she was not expecting anyone to be awake. But to her surprise, Tom Riddle and his gang were standing. It looked as if Tom was giving them a debriefing.

"That's when Avery will come in and say he desperately needs my help to put out the fire," Tom said.

"Why me? The ministry will think I'm an idiot. I'm from a noble house Riddle, I don't want to look a fool for you to look a hero," Edison said.

"Intruder," Corrine said, dreamily looking at Star approaching.

"What's all this?" Ostara asked.

Abraxas smirked. "Tom was just giving us - his very loyal and favourite followers, a rundown on our duties for today."

"Anything I can do to help out?" Ostara asked.

Isidore scoffed. "We don't need your help, halfbreed." Ostara took a step back from the boy, horror glassing over her face.

"What did you just say to me?" she asked.

"We all know about your father. A goblin? Weak magic and it seems evident that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

It seemed the twins had told them all about her father. Ostara felt stupid for thinking the twins would keep that information to themselves. In the span of a few weeks she went from half-blood to halfbreed.

"We don't want your kind around here," Isidore hissed.

Ostara looked at the group, locking eyes will all of them; The twins, Edison, Abraxas and even Tom. She swallowed loudly, but held her head high as she left the common room.

Well if you don't want my help, you'll heed my wrath.


As Ostara was about to enter the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, she spotted Tom speaking with two older men in suits. They must be from the school board.

A smirk tugged at her lips as she approached them. A look of panic swept over Tom's face as Ostara stood with them. "Hello! I'm Ostara Stiltskin. Pleasure to meet you both." She shook the two men's hands.

"Star," Tom said, in a panic, which was masked with a fake laugh, "Don't you think you should be getting to class."

"We still have ten minutes. I just wanted to greet our guests. I'm new here this year."

The man on the right was tall and had a long, gaunt face. "And how are you finding the school Ostara?" he asked.

The other man was short and plump. He was bald but a moustache which was styled upwards in the most peculiar way. This man clicked his fingers and a floating quill appeared along with a notepad - ready to take down notes.

"Well, the school is lovely. The buildings are just stunning and there is a very broad curriculum which gives students a range of different skills and knowledge." Tom seemed to relax at bit at her words. His tense body began to soften and he exhaled. "However, the deviancy that occurs at night is unholy. I've been out after hours (with permission of course) and the things that I have seen..." She shook her head.

Tom pursed his lips and widened his eyes at Ostara. "I even thought I heard two students making out in the dark the other night." Ostara glanced to the side to look at Tom. "It was disgusting. And in the library of all places! Where students go to study!"

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