Chapter 8 - Secrets

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The candle was almost burnt out. The wax covered the holder in a thick, messy layers. Ostara muttered to herself, "No, no, no, not now!"

"Working late are we?" Tom Riddle's voice spoke from behind her. Ostara jumped in her seat. "I didn't mean to frighten you."

"It's okay," she said, still catching her breath.

"You know it's past curfew Ostara." He raised a mischievous eyebrow. "You shouldn't be in the library this late."

"Oh, so Mr head boy is allowed to drink alcohol whenever he wants but will give a girl a detention for studying past her bedtime?" She matched his expression.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He spoke seriously, but then his face softened into a slight smirk. "What are you even studying this late? Could it not wait?"

"I'm just trying to distract myself in all honesty," she said. The candle light was was being swallowed by the darkness more and more every minute.

"Distract yourself from what? Would it have anything to do with that letter you received a few nights ago?"

"Maybe," she teased. "But that's not really any of your business, is it?"

"Perhaps not. But I must say, I am intrigued to know how he has managed to put you in such a state."

"I'm not in a state!" she exclaimed.

"Darling, you're studying in the library at midnight." He pulled out the chair next to Ostara and sat down. "So, unless you want a detention...tell me who he is."

"Are you threatening me Tom Riddle? And you say I'm trouble."

"Fine then. A secret for a secret. Reveal something and I'll do the same. Okay?" He rested his elbow on the table.

"How do I know you won't lie to me?" she asked, leaning in closer.

"And how do I know you will not do the same?" He cocked his head to the side.

"I guess we'll have to trust each other then."

"I guess we will." He pulled back, away from Ostara. "Your letter. Tell me about it."

She sighed. "It is from my best friend back home. Sebastian." She stopped there.

"Go on," Tom urged her.

"We had a fight before I left. He thinks I'm too reckless."

"Maybe this Sebastian has a point now." Star looked at him, disapprovingly.

"Were you two involved? Romantically?" he asked.

"Merlin, no," she said with a head shake. "He is my best friend. Well...was. I'm not too sure where we stand now."

"You still haven't explained the letter." He tutted.

"He wrote to me saying he was angry I hadn't written to him. I couldn't finish the letter, so I threw it away." She leant back and crossed her arms. "That's all there is to it. Satisfied?"

"Hardly. You didn't even finish reading his letter?" Tom asked.

"No. And I do not plan to."

"Well, you are one to hold a grudge Ostara Stiltskin."

"Now my turn to ask you a question!" She leaned back into Tom. Anticipating what answers she may finally receive. "Tell me what Isidore's deal is."

Tom let out a singular 'Ha'. "His deal?"

"Why is he always angry and why does he need special potions?"

"I don't know why you're so intrigued by Rosier. But trust me, let it go."

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