Chapter 34 - Cosmic Feelings

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Still shaken by her father's letter, Star headed down to the dining area of the pub to meet her friends. She was in no state for a friendly dinner full of conversing in topics she could not care less about. Tom was right, she hadn't spoken about the events that occurred in Dreavaria, because she still hadn't processed them much herself. She didn't want to continue the rest of her life wondering if she was on the verge of becoming a Queen.

As if reading her mind, Tom turned to her and spoke. "Tonight you are not a Crown Princess, tonight you are just a goblin's daughter."

Whether his words were meant to be humbling or comforting, Star did not know. But she found an odd sense of comfort within them. In this moment of time, nothing had changed. The war was just in her mind. She still had a small sense of freedom as she approached the small booth at the back of the pub.

"Looking fresh," Edison spoke as he stood to greet her. She had changed into a maroon, tight fitting V-neck  sweater with a black pencil skirt. "Not too sure about the colour though."

Ostara smile. "Red isn't reserved for Gryffindors, Avery. They have to share their enticing colour once in a while." She kissed him on the cheek as she greeted him.

"Riddle." Avery acknowledged Tom who was lingering behind Ostara.

"Avery," he replied.

Still sitting down, unwilling to even stand was Isidore.

"Rosier," Tom spoke, lightly bowing his head in greeting.

"Tom," Isidore replied, placing a harsh emphasis on the T sound.

Tom's eyebrow raised up his forehead, harshly. It was clear he took some offence to being acknowledged as nothing more than his first name.

"I'm here too," Star butted in, awkwardly.

Isidore's eyes slowly maneuvered toward the blonde. "Oh yes, hello Ostara," he huffed out, unenthusiastically.

There was an awkward silence as both Tom and Ostara held their tongues - a skill neither of them were very good at.

"Drinks first or food?" Ed broke the prolonged pause.

Ostara sat down, Tom followed taking the seat next to her, leaving an awkward gap between him her and Rosier. "Definitely drinks," Star sighed.

Edison nodded and flagged down the bartender. "Are you guys staying here?"

"Yes, it's close to Diagon Alley and easy to get to school from," Tom replied.

"But it's miserably filthy here." Ed shook his head. "No, No this won't do. You will both come home with me and stay at Avery Manor for the two nights before school returns."

"Edison we can't accept that offer it's too much." Star shook her head.

"I insist." He bowed his head, curtly.

"Thank you Avery." Tom returned his gesture.

"Firewhisky for all?" Ed asked, as the barman approached.

Star jumped slightly at the mention of fire. "Ostara and I will have nettle wine thank you," Tom spoke on behalf of them.

Isidore scoffed.

"Problem Rosier?" Tom turned to face the auburn haired boy with a friendly smile. 

"Look at you two. Practically already married." He rolled his eyes.

"Are we really doing this already?" Ostara asked, eyes widened.

"Is that not what we came here to do?" Isidore asked, cocking his head to the side.

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