Chapter 5 - Star's Revenge

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To say Star had been knocked down a few pegs since being at Hogwarts would be an understatement. She was not used to being around others who were not only magic, but exceptionally good at it as well. It was the first time in her life that Star had begun to feel as though she was not in fact the brightest star in the galaxy.

She sat alone at the breakfast table watching other early risers make their way to their seats. Her first night had been restless, it was not as if the beds were uncomfortable, in fact it was the complete opposite. However, it was just one of those nights where no matter how tired you were or how comfortable you are, sleep was an unattainable goal.

Ostara snapped out of her heavy daydreams and became aware of the bodies making their way over to the Slytherin table.

"You're still here are you?" Isidore Rosier asked, taking a seat opposite her.

"Where did you expect me to go?" Star asked, rather shocked at his rudeness.

"I thought you would of crawled back into the cave you came out of by now."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because it's clear you don't belong here." He raised his head slowly so that his nose was slightly in the air, a show of dominance.

Everyone else took their seats as Ostara held Isidore's gaze. "You just don't like me because I saw you doing something dodgy in Knockturn alley."

The movements of the table came to a halt. Rosier's gaze narrowed even further. "You have no idea what you're talking about."

"Enlighten me then," she said. 

"And why would I do that?" He leant over the table, closer to Star's face.

"You don't have to. But I'll take enjoyment out of the fact you know that I know something personal about you. And I won't stop till I figure it out."

"Aguamenti!" he yelled pointing his wand at Ostara.

Everyone leaned away, avoiding the impact of the spell. Water covered her head to toe, drenching her uniform and timetable.

"Enjoy figuring out your classes," he sneered as he stood and walked away.

Star wiped the water away from her eyes and stared down at her soggy timetable. The ink was already bleeding and completely unreadable. The others sat in silence as they watched the water drip off of Star and pool on the floor below her.

Edison lifted a serviette and slowly tried to offer it to Ostara. She pushed it out of her way with a grunt and left the hall. She left a trail of water behind her and she trailed off to the bathrooms.

As she walked, she bumped into a man, a professor. He had a kind smile and wore a suite with a vest, he was older, but not too old. "Sorry," she said, putting her head back down and trying to make a quick get away.

"Wait! Miss Stiltskin!" he called. She stopped and turned around. "Are you okay?"

"Fine. Just leave me alone."

"I can help you if you need. Professor Albus Dumbledore." He extended his hand.

"I don't need your help." She pushed past him again and turned into the bathroom.

The bathroom was quiet. No one seemed to be in there. There was a cool draft which blew through causing a wave of chills to coat Star's body.

Standing at the sink, she looked in the mirror. Her hair was so wet it was separated into strands as if she had just showered. She had small black stains under her eyes from where her mascara had run.

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