Chapter 1 - The Midnight Fate

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August 29th, 1944

"She's done it again!" Mrs. Arya's voice screeched. "The plants are growing uncontrollably!"

"I was only trying to help!" Ostara shouted back as she ran down the gravel path, away from the greenhouse.

"Mother please!" Sebastian pleaded with his mother as they chased after Ostara. "Calm down!"

Ostara felt something sharp, like stones hitting her back as the wind blew fiercely through her golden locks.

She reached her house deep in the woods, slamming the door tightly behind her before locking it.

"Star?" her father asked jumping to his feet. "What ever is the matter?"

She took a deep breath in, making eye contact with her father. Before she could open her mouth, a large force banged on the door. "Mr. Stiltskin! If you don't sort that daughter of yours out right this instant, I'll lock her in my greenhouse and let the plants strangle her to death!"

He reached for the door handle, swiftly unlocking it to meet the angry face of Sebastian's mother. Sebastian stood beside her, shaking his head in embarrassment.

"I didn't mean to do it. She said Seb could only come to the midnight fate with me when he'd finished tending to the plants. I only tried to speed up the process."

"Speed up the process? The walls of the greenhouse are about to explode!" the older women huffed.

"I will restore your greenhouse promptly, Mrs. Arya. As for you, daughter." He looked to Ostara. "I understand you meant no ill intent, but this is getting out of hand. You're 17, Star. You need to learn how to control your magic."

"I'm trying!"

"You can learn to control it better at a place made for exactly that."

"What do you mean?" Ostara asked, panic evident in her tone.

"A school for magical learning. I have enrolled you for the final year. There you will grasp your power and harness it."

"No!" Sebastian cried out. "You can't send her away!"

Mrs. Arya smirked and crossed her arms smugly. "I think it's a great idea." She was eager to get Ostara away from her son. She'd never been a fan of Star and her father, much like the rest of the nearby town.

"Father, please." Star took his green hands in hers. Her warm skin heating his cool hands.

"I won't hear anymore about it. That's my final word."  Star stared at him. Waiting for him to confess this was some type of trick. A mischievous joke to teach her a lesson, anything to release her heart from it's fast pace racing. But no relief came. "You leave in three days. Go tonight, have fun, say goodbye to some of your friends. You deserve that. Ela?" he spoke to Mrs Arya, seeking her permission to let her son attend the fate.

"Fine," she said, sharply.

Sebastian looked to Star. His expression mimicking a bittersweet taste, like dark chocolate.


Catchy flute sounds and fairy lights created a mystical atmosphere. The flames of the bonfire illuminated the dark sky.

Ostara and Sebastian walked into the town's centre. Small stalls were set up selling food, items and trinkets.

"How do you like these?" Ostara asked, holding up a pair of dangly gold earrings to her ears.

"You have several pairs like that already Star," Sebastian replied.

"But these have a little diamond on the end. None of my other pairs have that." Sebastian rolled his eyes at her greedy words. "I'll take them please!" she said to the women behind the stall.

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