Chapter 30 - Christmas Pt. 2

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"Their carriage has been delayed. I just received Isidore's owl. I don't need to collect them from the Kingdom anymore. Their carriage will bring them straight here." Tom stood from the table, collecting his and Mr Stiltskin's empty tea cups. He walked them over to the sink and began washing.

Ostara looked at him strangely.

"My dear, why don't you bring those flowers inside?" Her father gave a warm smile from the table. 

"No they're for outside. We're going to enlarge them and display them all around the house so the Arya's know exactly where their freshly bloomed flowers have gone."

Her father chuckled.

"Normally you'd reprimanded me for this," she said, suspiciously.

"It's Christmas my child." He smiled. "Sit by the fire and open your gifts."

"I thought we could leave presents till the Rosier's get here," she suggested.

Her father hummed. "Alright, why don't you help Tom with the cleaning up?"

"No need, Sir. Everything is completed." He smiled and dried his hands on his black trousers. "Ostara, my lovely bride-to-be, would you join me outside whilst I indulge in a cigarette?"

Star's mouth hung open in shock. What on earth was this man thinking?! She wanted to give him a good clipping on the ear.

Mr Stiltskin looked mortified as his green face turned pale resembling mould. Yet, he hid his reaction. He did not to say anything to Tom and merely put his head down and continued to read his newspaper.

"What's wrong?" Tom pouted. "Cheer up darling." He stepped closer and placed one hand on Star's hip and the other on her upper waist. He then pressed his lips to her forehead, kissing her softly before retreating with a smile.

Star didn't like the feeling in her stomach when he did that. It sort of flipped and turned like there was a little pixie inside it doing cartwheels. She felt at ease with Tom's hands on her body. She felt safe - protected even. Of course, she reminded herself it was all for show in front of her father. However, when she glanced across at him, Rumplestiltskin was still reading his newspaper.

"Let's go," she replied, meekly.

They stepped outside into the crisp air of winter. Together they walked to the outskirts of the forest, stopping on a largely curved wooden bridge which overlooked a pond.

Now that they were finally out of the house's view, Star formed a fist with her right hand, and punched Tom's arm. "What do you think you're playing it?! Cigarettes?! Have you lost your mind?!" she hissed. 

He smiled, pulling his cigarette case from his back pocket and holding a dart to his mouth. "Your father and I had a chat. He likes me enough now not to say anything or think badly of me." He inhaled.

"Merlin Tom Riddle, if you've blackmailed my father!"

"I have done no such thing!" Tom snapped.

"You're going to have to tell him we're not engaged."

Tom ignored her. "Ostara?"


"Do something magic."

A nervous chuckled escaped her lips. "What?"

"Just make something magical."

"Why?" she asked, mildly confused.

"Just," he inhaled, "because I need a little bit of magic right now."

She didn't reach for her wand, just raised her hand and carefully levitated a leaf that was resting on the water. It rose about 30 centimetres, dripping small droplets back into the pond. Star twisted her wrist, and they both watch as the brown leaf transformed into a beautiful lily pad. She rested it back down into the pond, gently, barely rippling the water as it made contact with it.

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