Chapter 11 - From Flames Comes Friendship

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Pachoow! Avery's arrow shot at Ostara's bed head, drilling its head deep into the wood. She awoke to the lingering boinging sound as the arrow body attempted to stabilise itself.

She jumped up in shock. After processing the arrow floating above her head, her eyes darted towards Edison standing at the bottom of her bed frame. She fumbled sheepishly for her silk duvet to cover herself. "What in Godric's name are you doing here? Let alone shooting arrows at me Edison?!"

"You know something I don't know," he said, pulling the string of his bow back again and lining up another arrow, threatening to shoot.

"What on earth are you talking about?" She jumped out of bed and clasped her wand, holding it tightly beside her.

"I told you to stay away from Tom and you didn't listen to me. Now you've found yourself in a sticky situation haven't you?" He narrowed his eyes and followed his aim after her body.

"Edison I don't know what you're saying!" she raised her voice.

"Talk Stiltskin, you and I both know I never miss." His fingers were strong but she could see him beginning to lose some control. If his arms released, she would be shot.

"Can you be more specific for crying out loud, you armed psychopath!"

"Isidore. Abraxas said he saw you three walking into the woods together. We've all known Isidore had something shifty going on but the only person he's willing to tell is Tom. You know now, don't you?" There was a sparkle in Ostara's eyes as she looked at him.

Her memory charmed mustn't have worked on Abraxas, or not as it was intended to anyway. Seen the three of the them walking into the woods? Her spell had altered his memory to a false one, not erased it completely.

Then she remembered the events of yesterday. Isidore was a dragon. A large dragon at that. She couldn't possibly tell on him. But the school, the students. He sometimes has no control over when he turns, Isidore was a walking time bomb that could explode at any minute.

Avery lowered his bow. "You're afraid, aren't you?" He looked at her curiously. "Tell me what his secret is Ostara. Let me share your burden."

His words were tempting, comforting even. She stared at him for a moment; the secret so close to floating off the tip of her tongue.

"You know he killed a unicorn?"

Ostara looked at him in disbelief.

"Does it have something to do with a curse? I've been wondering for a while what fate awaited him after that night."

Star's curiosity grew. She wanted to know more, she wanted Ed to help her find out more. She had what was inside the locked chest, but now she needed to know what key was the one to open it.

But that's not hers or Edison's right to find out. That was Isidore's story. He had to be the one to tell it.

She closed her eyes and swallowed. "You're a good man Ed. You're calculating and a little icy, but you're kind and you watch out for others. You would not shoot me for not revealing a secret about your friend. He is your friend, right?" Ostara asked.

Edison sighed and threw his weapon on to her bed. He sat down beside it. "Of course he is my friend. Why do you think I'm so eager to know? I want to help him." He ran his fingers through his loose hanging dreadlocks. "I love all those people. Except for Tom. And when Rosier was in trouble, he went to Tom first. I don't like how he is the one Isidore needs to rely on."

"It is not my secret to share." She sat down beside Edison and placed a hand on his shoulder. "But I can promise you I will try to be another person Isidore can rely on, as much as he allows me to be."

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