Chapter 20 - Halloween Pt. 1

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The air seemed thinner this afternoon. Different than it normally did. Star didn't know if it was because the veil was actually thinning, or just because she thought it was.

Ostara sat on the velvet couch in the common room, flicking through an old book from home. It was nearing the end of lunch. Only a few more classes until the grand Halloween feast.

"I don't understand why we have to attend this stupid feast," Abraxas groaned. "My families throwing a dinner party and I'd much rather be at home than seated in the great hall, breaking bread with mudbloods."

"Perhaps we could all skip it?" Star suggested.

Tom laughed. "Not a chance we'd get away with seven of us missing."

"You okay, Rosier?" Avery asked.

He was seated in the corner near a window. He looked deathly pale and his eyes were heavy. He nodded with a faint smile. "I'll be fine."

Ostara was about to walk over to him when she heard Tom say the words she had been waiting three days for.

She had been avoiding him since the Pensieve incident. Whatever cruel tactic he was playing at, she was determined not to fall for it. However, that didn't mean she wanted nothing to do with Tom, torturing him was always fun...

"Lumos," Tom spoke.

Ostara held her breath.

Water began to pour out of Tom's wand. He grunted in frustration. His robes and a good portion of the fur carpet was now covered in water.

The group sniggered. Ostara buried her mouth in her robes to try and conceal her amusement.

"What?" Was the only word that came out of Tom's mouth as he inspected his wand. "Lumos!" he repeated. Although the same thing happened, water sprayed out the top of his wand, splashing on Edison this time.

"Riddle!" he hissed, looking down at his pants. "I pressed these this morning."

"I think you've been hexed," Abraxas said.

"Oh? Really Malfoy?" He pointed his wand at the icy haired boy. "Lumos!" The water sprayed directly onto his freshly styled hair.

"Hey! It wasn't me Riddle!" Abraxas screamed, jumping up from the couch and desperately trying to find a mirror.

Ostara bit her bottom lip as she pretended to read her book.

Tom's eyes found her, his gaze wasn't shifting. "No it wasn't Malfoy, I know exactly who's behind this." He sighed and walked closer to Ostara.

She ignored the daggers leaving his eyes, even when he was only a foot away from her face. "Reverse it," he snarled.

She finally let her eyes meet his. "I have no idea what you're talking about Tom." She smiled.

"Very funny Stiltskin. I'm not going to play your little games. Reverse. It."

Ostara sighed. "Fine. Finite."

He scoffed. "That was it? A simple counter curse was all it took to reverse it?"

"Not everything has to be as complicated as you make it Riddle." She smiled, sarcastically. "I'm heading to Potions. Isidore?" She looked to the boy who had been completely zoned out of the conversation. "Coming?"

"I'll meet you there," he said, faintly.

She gave him an unconvinced look.

"I promise. I'm fine."


Fifteen minutes into potions class, and Isidore could barely keep his eyes open.

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