Chapter 2: Welcome to Amphibia

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Earth is what TRULY begins our stories. Our original heroes, Heart, Strength, and Wit came from this place...but in a more complex and ancient time. Now? Things were much more 'chill'.

Now? We meet our new heroes. They may share similarities, but? They're not the same...maybe. These girls are like 15.

Anne, a Thai-American girl with messy brown hair and light brown skin, whistled a tune as she parked her bike. She then looked around. School was over for the day, and today was VERY special.

It was officially her 15th birthday.

Right now, she was at the playground. Not to play in it though, it was more or less a meet up spot that she and her friends-

"Hey, girl!" A familar voice cried before she received a bear hug from a peach skinned girl with blonde hair stuck up in a ponytail.

Anne laughed as she was lifted in the air. "Sasha! Let me down!"

Sasha laughed with her before setting Anne down. "Happy Birthday, Anne!" She then sighed. "Sucks that I couldn't see you like, ALL day. Different classes suck."

Anne nodded. "Yeah, they do. So, where's Marcy?"

"Oh, at the library. Still searching for an awesome gift for the most awesome friend on the Earth!" Sasha said. "Come on, follow me!"

Anne tilted her head. "Huh? But we just got here!"

"And now we're gonna travel again." Sasha said smugly.

Anne rolled her eyes with a smile before following her friend around town. "But remember, I got a party later!"

Sasha let out a sigh. "Yeah, yeah! Your mommy and daddy love you very much! Let's get this thing started!"

For most of the day, Sasha and Anne partied all around town. Going to the arcade and getting top score...with Sasha kicking the machine to get back her coins, even though she won.

Doing graffiti on an empty alley, which Anne had only done a small squirt of spray paint because the moment she heard a siren of a cop car? She panicked.

Some wondered why Anne was even friends with Sasha, who had once been described as 'ruthless'. But the answer was always because of what Sasha did for her and Marcy when they were 6 years old, and they had been friends ever since. Yes, Anne may have been slightly...uncomfortable with how Sasha did things. But teenagers were rebellious, they couldn't help it!

It's not like there was some other motive like she was a toxic friend now...right?

"I'M GONNA GO TO JAIL." Anne said, clutching onto Sasha. "I CAN'T SURVIVE PRISON."

Sasha narrowed her eyes as she quite literally carried Anne out of the alleyway. "You're fine."


Sasha set Anne down and shook her. "Girl, snap out of it! The car's gone anyway!"

Anne blinked before looking from side to side. "Oh...I guess...they are...huh."

Sasha snorted. "You can be so dramatic, Anne."

Anne rubbed her neck. "Heh. Yeah. But hey! It's why we did that play!"

"Marcy was a bad stagehand." Sasha said, recalling the visit to the hospital after Anne crashed. Peter Pan was probably not a good choice.

Anne shrugged. "Can't help if she'll get distracted." She said before checking her phone, mostly to see what the time was. 5:00. "Okay! Still got some time before-"

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