Chapter 17: King Andrias

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Anne then suddenly patted Marcy's head, her hair and eyes still glowing a bright blue out of joy. "Hehehe!"

"Anne, quit it!" Marcy laughed, her hair and eyes glowing green.

"Sorry! I'm just so happy you're here." Anne said, hugging her tight again.

Sprig finally couldn't help but smile. He HOPED Marcy was different.

"So, how did you get here?" Anne asked as they all walked into the gate.

Marcy smiled. "Well, I warped right inside the castle walls, fell down a flight of stairs, and- OH! OH! Remember that game I tried to get you and Sasha to play? Creatures and Caverns?"


"Oh, uhh, then I basically did some acting after gaining the friendship of Lady Olivia AND King Andrias, and when the Barbiants attacked? BOOM! I discovered I had Wit's powers!" Marcy exclaimed. "And I've been using it ever since to protect Newtopia!"

"No way! I've been using my powers to protect Wartwood and some other places in Frog Valley!" Anne laughed. "Guess that makes us this place's superheroes or something."

Marcy squealed a bit. "Oh, I never even thought of that!!! Now we need hero names!"

Anne giggled. "Oh, I missed the geeking out. You think you can get us inside the castle? Hop Pop says Newtopia is the only place that might have a way for us to get home!"

Marcy smiled. "Oh, yeah, yeah! But, uhh, they do know HOW...unfortunately? I also know."

"And that's bad?" Polly asked.

Sprig quickly expected an attack, pulling out his slingshot from behind his back and ready to fire.

"Welll...we need the Calamity Box." Marcy said. "Turns out? The music box we, uhh, borrowed? It's a mystical artifact created by The Night, and then used by The Three Stars to contain their powers once they all passed away. Their powers combined gave them the ability to travel entirely different universes! But...without it? We're stuck."

Anne suddenly smiled wide.

Marcy looked at her. "Uhhh, Anne?"

Anne then reached into her satchel...and pulled out the Calamity Box.

Marcy's eyes sparkled. "Y-YOU HAVE IT!!!"

"Yup! It was with me when I landed in Wartwood! But the gems are gray."

Marcy nodded, studying the box. "Wait, wait...that explains so much!!!"

Hop Pop scratched his head. "It does?"

"When Anne opened the box and it transported us here? The box gave US its powers! I got Wit's, Anne got Heart's, and if my theory serves me right? Sasha got Strength's!" Marcy exclaimed.

Anne felt the color drain from her face as she recalled the battle she and The Toad Queen had at Toad Tower. "Y-Yup...she probably did..."

"Speaking of, where is Sasha? Did you see her?"

"L-Let's talk about that another time." Anne said. "But, can you let us in?"

Marcy smiled wide and nodded before she used a key to open the giant gate, and they all headed inside. After admiring the beautiful city, they came across Lady Olivia, who was being watched over by a pink newt with short white hair. She had a lot of medals on her armor, and looked to be a general.

Olivia saw Marcy and smiled. "Marcy! It's good to see you!"

Marcy giggled. "Good to see you too, Olivia! Oh! Hey, Yunan!"

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