Chapter 5: Waking Up in Newtopia

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Marcy groaned, feeling like her head had hit...rather soft dirt. She lifted her head and saw that was exactly the case and stood up, dusting herself off. "Oh, man! 15th fall of the day! Have you been keeping count, girls-"

Her eyes then widened when she saw Anne and Sasha were still nowhere in sight. She kept looking around...before seeing where she was.

A beautiful and pristine CITY. With towers, homes, etablishments, and a bright sunny sky above it all. The buildings had coral covering them, and instead of humans, there were NEWTS. Walking, talking newts who were acting just like humans. Some were working, some were walking and chatting, or going home to their families.

Marcy was silent for a moment...before she began SQUEALING as her eyes went starry. She then began walking, laughing and continuing to squeal. "I-IT...WHOA!!! THIS PLACE IS BEAUTIFUL!!! I'M IN SOME KIND OF ALTERNATE DIMENSION! JUST LIKE-" She then stumbled and nearly fell down a flight of stairs.

She laughed. "That was close!" She then turned around, continuing to squeal in awe or before turning back to the center of the city and seeing a GIANT castle or palace of some kind. "HEY, CASTLE- WHOAAAA!!!" She cried.

Apparently, NOW she started to tumble down the stairs, getting knocked unconscious after the first few steps and tumbling down until she reached the bottom.

How did she not die? That will be revealed later...also plot convenience.

Marcy groaned as she woke a strange looking room that vaguely looked like a hospital room. She looked down and saw a cast over her leg and that she was laying down in a hospital bed.

"Huh? How did...oh, right! I fell down a flight of stairs!" Marcy laughed. "How did I not get a concussion?"

Then? Someone walked into the room...a newt. A light blue newt with long navy blue hair tied into a bun with a band made of seashells. She wore a white yellowish and purple dress with a scale like design stitched into a pattern. And finally, white gloves and a golden brooch with a transparent shawl.

Marcy's jaw dropped. She was actually seeing and face to face with a walking, talking newt. Anne and Sasha would be freaking out right now, but all she wanted to do was squeal.

The newt smiled kindly as she walked over. "How are you feeling?"

"EEEEE- Oh! Uhhh, I'm alright! Thank you for the cast!" Marcy said. "What is this place?! Can I hear every single detail about its history?! And who are you?! You don't have a medical uniform, so you clearly don't work here."

The newt blinked, seeming surprised. "You seem...rather excited." She laughed. "My name is Lady Olivia, and you are in Newtopia. As for the history lesson, that is not my expertise per say. May I know your name?"

"Marcy! Marcy Wu!" She smiled. "I got here after my friend opened-" Her eyes then widened. "Oh, crap! Anne! Sasha! I gotta find them!" She cried, sitting up, but then wincing. "Ow, ow, ow!"

"Easy! Easy!" Olivia said, rushing to Marcy's side. "Your injured your leg. You fell down an entire flight of stairs and you were unconscious for hours! You were lucky the citizens found you and brought you here...and incredibly lucky that all you received from the fall WAS a broken leg."

Marcy nodded. "Yeah, it defies...everything I know about anatomy. I guess I'm durable! Or maybe- No, no, no! Don't get distracted, Marcy! I gotta find my friends! They look like me!" She then blinked. "Kind of! Sasha is a lighter skin color than me, has blonde hair in a ponytail, and has a gray and pink uniform with a blue overcoat! And Anne has brown hair, with light brown skin. Same uniform but with no overcoat, and instead of pink, it's purple!"

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