Chapter 26: Wit

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Olivia rested her back against the walls of her cell. She looked at the wall. It had already been a day, and she couldn't even process everything that had happened...except for Marcy.

She had loved Marcy like a daughter or niece, or however Marcy saw her as. They were family. Olivia would be telling a fat lie if she said she didn't enjoy her and Yunan's antics.

Yunan...she hoped she was ok. She remembered how worried sick she was when Marcy and Yunan came back from a mission on a warship.

"MARCY!! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Olivia exclaimed, rushing over to Marcy and looking over her.

Marcy was in a pirate captain's outfit, giggling before wincing. "My arm just got broken, I'm okay! Promise!"

"BROKEN!?" Olivia exclaimed before whipping around to Yunan, narrowing her eyes.

Yunan gulped. "I may have, uhh, got a little excited about the fighting. I wasn't aware she would join me..."

Olivia sighed and bandaged Marcy's arm, and then looked over Yunan. "You are going to get yourself killed one day, general."

Yunan chuckled. "Death's knocked on my door, I shove it off! For I am General Yunan! Scourge of The Sand Wars! Defeater of Ragnar The Wretched! And the youngest newt ever to achieve the rank of general in the Great Newtopian Army!" She said with pride.

Marcy smiled a bit at that. "Lady Olivia does have a point though! I was worried about you!"

"We both are." Olivia said, bandaging both Yunan's arm and tail.

"Hmmm...I guess I'll take that into consideration from now on." Yunan said.

Olivia smiled fondly at the memory before she remembered how Marcy was the scourge of Amphibia. The really was alive. But how? He was killed.

Andrias said he and his ancestors kept it alive...but how did no one know? How did no one figure it out?

But then? She heard fighting. She whipped around to the door of her cell before she gasped.

A Dark Frobot was kicked into the wall and then Yunan. But she was in strange armor. And her blades were now a glowing orange. Yunan looked like she had just escaped something. Even a glowing orange eye was on her chestplate.

Yunan then whipped around to Olivia. "Lady Olivia!"

Olivia smiled. "General! What happened?!"

Yunan slashed Olivia free, with her blades now able to cut through metal with ease. She deactivated them and took Olivia's hand. "The Night ordered for me to be turned to his soldier. He's already turned the other soldiers..."

Olivia's eyes widened. "W...What? This fast?"

"The Night is quick with what he does." Yunan said before looking out the window.

Olivia did the same...and her eyes widened in horror. She didn't want to believe it, but she was looking right at it.

Somehow, in the span of a DAY...the fresh water and grass of Newtopia had turned into sand and rotten ground. Machines were being built. Somehow, The Night and Andrias had turned Newtopia into a wasteland of machines in the span of a single day.

Olivia felt tears prick at her eyes before she looked away. "H...How...oh...what has happened to home...?"

Yunan's eyes went wide and she knelt down, holding Olivia close. "I...I'm so sorry, I...I wasn't aware you would react this way."

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