Chapter 4: Toad Tower

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Anne took off her helmet again, staring at the statue. This must've been this 'Heart' they were talking about. She then looked at the armor. "...did I just rob a dead person?"

Hop Pop snapped out of his senses before looking at Sprig. "Wait, Sprig! Who is this?"

"The pink one knows?" A villager asked, tilting their head.

Sprig cleared his throat. "This is Anne Boonchuy! She saved my life! I think she's from Heart's world!"

Mayor Toadstool walked over and squinted his eyes, looking over Anne. " DOES look a lot like her. Long limbs, face bump, and crazy wig."

"Wig? This is my actual hair." Anne said, blinking. "And...can someone please explain? All I did was open a music box and now people are comparing me to an ancient hero?!"

"Wellll..." Sprig began. "Heart was one of The Three Stars, heroes from thousands of years ago that defeated The Night."

The villagers made a dramatic sound at the words 'The Night'. Anne definitely felt more intrigued and she looked at the statue. "So...she saved your town?"

"Came from another world with Wit and Strength, all just to save us! But Heart loved this town the most, even though she defended all frogs in Amphibia." Sprig said.

Anne blinked. "Amphibi- wha?"

"Welp, this is clearly not a beast." Mayor Toadstool said before Hop Pop spoke up, much to his dismay.

"You saved my grandson, and are clearly...a little confused."

"A LITTLE?! I'M STILL PROCESSING EVERYTHING!" Anne screamed before sighing. "I...guess I should just try and find a way back home. Do any of you know how to get to someplace or someone who knows how?"

"That'd be Newtopia!" Sprig said. "But unfortunately, the mountains are particularly deadly this time of year."

"Frogs die there." Polly said gravely.

Officially crept out by what Polly had said, most of the villagers returned to their normal lives, including the mayor. Although, they did keep looking at Anne in awe, as if thinking she'd take on the mantle of Heart and defend their town.

Anne sighed. "Is...there a place I can stay until then?"

Hop Pop walked over. "Well, Heart-"

"Anne." She corrected.

"I say tomato, you say tomato." Hop Pop replied. "You saved my grandson's life, and while he is DEFINITELY grounded, you could stay with us for a few days until you get everything solved."

Sprig gasped before hopping onto Anne's head, smiling wide. "WOO! New roomie!"

Anne couldn't help but smile. "I...thanks. I think I'm gonna like you, Sprig."

Hop Pop then got back in the cart, with Anne and Sprig following. Anne sat down, still holding the music box in her satchel, sword in her scabbard, and helmet in hand. "Seriously. Thank you. I thought you would've tried to eat me or something!"

Hop Pop just laughed. "No. We're not savages."

"Speak for yourself." Polly muttered, slowly turning to Anne.

Anne looked at Sprig. "...does she do that a lot?"

"You have no idea." Sprig gulped.


Sasha groaned, holding her head as she stood mud. She jumped, growling. "Where am I?! Marcy, if this is a sick joke, I'm gonna-" She then realized...she was alone.

Marcy or Anne weren't anywhere in sight. She started calling out their name, stepping around and ignoring the mud and flies. She eventually got sick of all the flies buzzing around her head and tore off a branch nearby, waving it around and causing the flies to go away.

Sasha kept looking around, actually...seeming a bit worried. "Okay. Anne. Marcy. Seriously, this isn't funny anymore." She said. "Y-You know I can't handle it when I'm out of control of something."

No response...but there was a loud metal clank.

Sasha whipped around before gasping when she saw...a giant tower. It had spikes, was made of stone and red and dark pink flags waving in the night sky. How did she miss that?

She stepped forward before the clanking was heard again. She turned to her left and gasped when she saw...walking, talking toads, with armor, shields, and spears. Their eyes were a dark pink, and they quickly marched over to Sasha.

"INTRUDER!" They shouted in unison, pointing their spears at Sasha.

Sasha backed up, only to quickly go back the other way when more toads appeared behind her.

"Whoa, whoa! Put the spears down!" Sasha said, growling.

The toads just lifted their spears closer. "State your name and occupation, creature! You are under arrest!"

Sasha only took one step back...before she kicked one of the toads, and quickly backflipped into the air and dodged the thrust of the other spears.

She then hopped high in the air, bouncing off one of the toads and grabbing one of their spears. She spun around the spear before swinging it at the toad army, hitting two soldiers in the face. She then grabbed one of their shields and threw it at a charging one like a boomerang.

A final toad soldier hopped high in the air, slamming his spear against Sasha's, who quickly did a sweep kick and knocked them down. Sasha then spun around her spear again before throwing it at one more soldier, not killing him, but stopping him in his tracks.

The other soldiers kept attacking, but Sasha kept using all of her skills and this sudden urge to fight, or even stealing their weapons to fight back.

Eventually, more toads came marching in from the giant tower, having heard the commotion. But they were lead by a pink toad with blonde hair.

"SECURE THE INTRUDER!" The toad commanded.

"YES, MA'AM!" The soldiers cried before charging at Sasha. Some stayed back and threw ropes around Sasha, tying her up and forcing her to let go of the two spears she stole.

Sasha screamed, thrashing around in an attempt to escape before the soldiers running over forced her to start walking towards the tower.

"Bring her to Captain Grime!" The pink toad said with a growl.

Sasha snarled back at the pink toad before she was forced to walk towards the tower. With no way to fight back or stop them, she tried to process everything. She was in some kind of alternate dimension filled with walking, talking toads.

This felt like that roleplaying game Marcy had wanted them to play.

Now? This tower she was walking towards was FILLED with them. Sasha tried not to let her panic and fear show before she saw a GIANT statue in the middle of everything.

A statue of some kind of gladiator, with a helmet covering their face completely. They had a giant shoulder pad on their right shoulder, and finally? Wielded a GIANT warhammer. The stone the statue was made off was currently being polished, and once the toad polishing the golden plating walked off, Sasha could read it clearly.

'Strength. Queen of Toads. Mightiest warrior in all of Amphibia. May she rest in peace.'

"...where the heck am I...?" Sasha muttered.

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