Chapter 4: It Doesn't Have to Be Awakard

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I startle awake finding myself in an unfamiliar room. I start recalling the memories of last night and feel slightly embarrassed by my actions.

Not only had I revealed much more then I wanted to, to Calum. I also slept with him. It wasn't a big deal. We are both adults but every time I slept with a stranger; I always felt a degree of guilt.

I couldn't shake my upbringing that easily. I remind myself that I don't do this often and I'm allowed to do things that help me. Last night I needed to release some stress and Calum was my cure.

He must have had to leave early as I see no trace of him. The bed is ruffled but cold beside me. I'm kind of surprised he left me alone in this large house. There must be valuable stuff here although I would never take anything. He doesn't know me like that though.

I start wondering if he does this often and decide pretty quickly he must.

He is very attractive and puts off a quiet confidence any girl would like.

I start slipping on my clothes feeling a bit of curiosity. Who is this mysterious man? For some reason him being so nonchalant and secretive last night made me want to know even more.

Usually, it's harder to catch my attention. Not with Calum. Honestly that's what scared me more than anything. Could he slip past my safeguards if I let him?

I push away the thought not allowing it to fester. He wasn't even here and he probably wants nothing to do with me.

I finally get my clothes gathered and on my body.

I open my phone looking for an uber as I walk down the stairs trying to find my shoes we discarded in a hurry last night. I spot them and make my ways across the room not paying attention to anything.

I lean down to grab them and just as I'm about to push the button to order an uber a familiar voice gets my attention.

"What are you doing?" His accented voice rings through the house and my heart drops. I really didn't think I would have to face him today.

"Um, I was just ordering a ride." He shakes his head lightly as he makes food on the stove. He's cooking shirtless in only a pair of sweats that hung dangerously low on his hips.

I could get used to seeing him like this. I shock myself with this thought. I will not be seeing him again and I need to get that into my head.

"I figured the least I could do was make the birthday girl something to eat." I fight the urge to roll my eyes.

"My birthday was last night so you can't use that as an excuse anymore." He snorts.

"Hmm. You don't like your birthday. I'll take that into account." I sit at the island closing my phone watching him cook. His muscles flex as he pushes the eggs around the pan.

I can't help but picture the image of his body moving over top of mine last night. I'm pulled out of my dirty thoughts when he sets a plate in front of me full of steaming food.

I got to say I'm surprised because the food looks half decent.

"Wow. Calum it looks good. Are you sure you don't want me to just catch a ride? It's really not a big deal." He just shakes his head as he eats.

"Just eat and then I'll drive you home. I have to go to the studio right now anyways."

I feel a modicum of guilt and then realize he's probably in a hurry. So I stop overthinking and get to eating.

He finishes first and heads upstairs to his room letting me know he'll be right back. I've finished and put my plate and silverware in the sink when I start wondering what's taking him so long. Just as I start slightly panicking he walks down the stairs completely dressed.

He leads me to a part of the house I've never seen as we head to the large garage. I was guessing you could fit at least 4 cars in here.

My eyes pop at the cars sitting in the garage so casually. I see him watch my reaction and laugh.

I give him my address and as he types it into his built in GPS I admire the beauty of his car. If I'm being honest I'm a little in awe at the interior. It's what I would consider luxurious.

He must not be as washed up as I first thought. Between the house and the cars I'm starting to think he's very successful.

The ride through traffic isn't too long but my mind seems to wonder. I hope Maggie isn't home. I don't want a lecture or anything. My best bet is that her and Tyler were so infatuated with each other she never even noticed I was missing.

We pull into the driveway, and I feel his gaze on me. "Thank you for the ride and breakfast Calum." I'm reaching for the handle when he calls my name.

I turn catching his hopeful eyes. "Could I get your number. I'm going out of the country on tour next week, but I would like to keep in contact."

I nod as he hands me his phone. "Are you going to tell me what you do now? The curiosity is eating me up but if you don't want me to know I won't look it up."

I watch a breathtaking smile cover his face as he leans into me capturing my lips. This would usually give me the ick, but I find myself leaning into it.

He pulls back first leaning his head against mine. "I'm in a band. I play the bass. You can google me if you want just know everything you read isn't the truth."

I smile and pull away taking in his words. I decide against googling him. "Thank you. Bye Calum."

I open the door and step out. As I shut the door softly, he says. "See you soon Stella."

I feel giddy as I make it to my front door. When I swing it shut my smile falls to the floor. "What the fuck." Slips out of my lips as I just react.

I'm going to literally kill Maggie. Not in a cute way either.

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