Chapter 6: And They Save Chivalry is Dead

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Over the next couple of months my life falls into a familiar routine. 

On the weekends I visit my brother and his family. Sometimes I babysit while they go out.

During the week I go to work. I come home take a shower, eat, and then text Calum until it's time for bed. Sometimes he calls and we stay up late talking for hours. I feel like a teenager breaking some unspoken rule. 

Other times if he has a show, I watch tv and work until he's done. Sometimes I read my favorite books. I never realized there was so much time in a night till I had someone to fill it with.

He talks to me about his issues, and I listen. Sometimes I complain about work. Most of the time when he asks, I don't tell him much.

It's not that I don't trust him. Because I really do. It's just difficult to work that into a conversation. Oh your bandmate and friend is being annoying. Well my parents are dead and I have major abandonment issues. See it just doesn't work. 

I don't really tell people about what I'm going through. It's never been my strong suit. The only reason Maggie ever knew half of it was because she was always around. I didn't have time to put up my guards. 

She always caught me before my armor could go up. It was something neither of us could help. I had thought a lot about her since she left. I still struggled to find why she was so angry at me.

I knew why I was angry. After a week I wanted to try and talk but when I reached out, she didn't want to speak. So, I gave her the space and let it go. It's not the first time I've let a friendship go. I just wish I understood why things fell apart like they did.

I know I'm messed up, like beyond complete repair. I always thought I was a pretty good shoulder to lean on though. That's what Calum says at least. When I told him about the situation with Maggie he listened so intently I almost thought he had hung up. 

I was scared until he let out a long sigh. I could hardly believe when he went on a whole rant. A fierce blush had crept up my cheeks and I knew if he had seen my face he would've laughed. Talking with Calum was easy it made me feel better. 

So here I sit on my couch barely watching the movie I had queued up on Netflix while I type up a finance report. It's been a busy week and I've picked up some of the slack after hours. 

Cal's supposed to be calling later. I know this week has been stressful. They were supposed to fly back to the U.S. two days ago, but their label has been difficult.

A part of me wishes he could be back in California sooner rather than later, but I understand with his job he has a responsibility. I take my job very serious. Hence the fact I was working well after-hours mid-week.

I hear a knock on the door. I check the time wondering who this would be here late. I can't help the bit of paranoia I feel as I check my camera.

As soon as the camera clicks on, I rush to the front door. I can't unlock it quick enough as I fling myself at the figure on my front porch.

Luckily, he catches me before walking us inside. The man who takes up so much of my thoughts is here.

"How did you get here. I thought you were stuck in Europe for at least another week." I pull my head back and hold his face in my hands.

I don't believe he's real yet. I better believe it thought because he's here and I'm in his arms. His arms tighten around me as he pulls me in tighter. 

"The plans got changed. We're back in LA again." I can't help but feel a little giddy that he must of came to my house right after he landed. At least that's what it looks like.

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