Chapter 21: Brotherly Love

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*19 Weeks

The work day passes slowly as I tap my foot along to the numbers. For the first time ever I'm staring at numbers that seem to blur together.

I've never found myself so lost in the numbers that usually provided all the answers. Today they seem to refuse to follow any of the set rules.

I sink back into the heating pad on my chair. It soothes my back as I try not to think about the email I sent earlier today.

When I told Calum what I was thinking on our call he immediately agreed. It wouldn't fix everything but it would help for sure.

Claire pops her head into my office with a smile. "Hey, do you want to stay here or would you prefer to go to a conference room?"

I give her my best professional smile before offering her to sit in the chair across from mine.

"Please tell me this isn't you putting in your resignation. I actually have something to talk to you about." I feel shock overtake my body as I realize she thinks I'm about to quit. I try to reassure her with shake of my head.

"I'm not resigning but I do have some news." I watch as her eyebrows dip. As expected she's thoroughly confused. She waits for me to continue obviously not wanting to say the wrong thing.

"Claire, I'm pregnant." Her jaw hits the floor as she seems to check my body for any signs of pregnancy.

"You know that actually makes so much sense. I wondered why you were eating at your desk and peeing every ten minutes." We both laugh softly at her observations.

"Okay is it bad that I'm actually so excited. I know that's not very professional but I really don't care." She celebrates by clapping her hands together. Her happiness makes everything lighter. Maybe this really can work out.

"I'm glad you know now. I've hated holding this in. Also obviously this is going to change things a little. I'm still very committed to the company but it's been very difficult." I play with my fingertips suddenly feeling very nervous.

"Claire I.." She stops me. "Stella, I understand. Listen we should talk about what I was going to tell you. It might solve some of your problems."

I give her a questioning look hope filling my chest.

"Reggie emailed me. He wanted to let me know another management position opened. You would still report back to here. You can keep the office but your responsibilities are going to change a lot. It would give you the chance to work from home a lot more and work less hours."

I nod taking in the information that seems too good to be true.

"You'd be perfect for this position and you're the only person I wanted to ask. If you don't accept we will have to hire externally but it's completely up to you." I sit baffled in my seat. I don't know how I would possibly say no.

"Am I still going to be working on my accounts?" She shakes her head lightly.

"Stella you are meant for more then working on a couple of accounts. You will still manage them but you're going to be overseeing the department." It sinks in a bit as I watch her closely. This isn't a little promotion this is a big deal.

"What exactly did Reggie say?" She laughs lightly running her hands over her pantsuit.

"Our company really values your hard work and we want to prove it. We may have to change some of the scheduling once you get farther along but it really shouldn't be much of an issue."

I sit in shock before the time pops up on to my computer.

"Okay. I'm going to take the night to think this over. I will have an answer tomorrow but I really need to get going to see my brother."

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