Chapter 8: Party Favors

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I exit the vehicle my palms sweating lightly. The only thing keeping me from sprinting away is knowing Calum is close by.

I tug down the dress I had ordered online last week. To pick out decent outfits I've been having to scour all corners of  Pinterest. 

Dresses have become my best friend lately because it's less matching to deal with.

Calum meets me on my side and takes my hands watching me intensely. "Are you going to be good Stella? I can feel your panic in the air."

I grin pulling him in by the collar as an answer. Our lips connect as his arms wrap around me. "I'm going to fine as long as I know I got you."

He chuckles dipping me slightly. His eyes flash with amusement as I get intense butterflies. I would like to stay in this moment forever. "Oh you got me." He says with a sweet tone on his tongue. 

My jaw drops in disbelief. He can be so cheesy at times. "Your a cheeseball lets go in and meet your friends."

I turn towards the large house and his hand settles on my hip as we walk through the front door. He seems comfortable even with the large amounts of people. As we walk along I realize everyone here seems to know him.

People are waving and saying hello. I can't figure out why everyone is staring but when I look to Calum he's trying to hide his signature smirk.

We stop in the kitchen as he finds us drinks. I lean into him trying to keep my voice down. "Why is everyone staring at us? Did I grow another head?"

I can't help the insecurity that seeps in. Maybe I'm not the kind of girl Calum usually brings to a  party. I'm probably not the typical type of girl he goes after. 

He laughs again sipping his drink before handing me mine. His arm wraps back around me as we start walking again. I begin to think he's ignoring me when he leans down and whispers in my ear. "I don't make a habit of bringing girls around here so they are all wondering who you are and why such a beautiful girl would come here with me."

A blush crawls up my cheeks as we make our way to the backyard. The weathers warmed up considerably this week but I still find myself shivering a bit.

As soon as I let out a shudder Calum's head turns and he pulls his flannel off putting it onto my shoulders. I fix the sleeves as he takes my hand leading us to the other side of the pool where a group sits on pool chairs. The first guys head turns and his bright blue eyes widen considerably. Which draws the attention of the rest of the group.

Suddenly the whole group is on their feet. They all look extremely excited but I can't help but feel a little intimated. Not only are all of them except for the girls taller then me. They are all also very attractive.

Calum starts introducing me and before I know it I'm being pulled into a tight hug. I'm not much of a touchy person but something about him is comforting. "I'm Michael. I can't believe I finally get to meet the infamous Stella."

Calum grunts something I can't quite catch before Michael detaches from me. Maybe he's drunk.

I somehow turn a brighter shade of red if that were possible before I'm pulled into another hug. I awkwardly pat the back of another one of Calum's bandmates before he lets me go. I think that one said his name is Luke.

The last guy lets out a giggle before he shakes my hand softly. "I'm Ashton. I'm sorry our friends are like this."

I already like him and for some reason I can't help but pull him into a hug. I feel awkward as soon as I do it but it doesn't seem to faze him for a second.

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