Chapter 10: Light

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Soft rays of sunlight shine through the high windows of the bedroom Calum led me to last night. In the early morning light I can see more of the room and eye it carefully.

The room is in pristine condition like the rest of the house. The only sign of life in the room is rumpled bedsheets and our clothes strewn across the otherwise bare hardwood floor. Before we leave I need to clean our mess up because I refuse to leave the place unlike we found it. It would be like going into a museum and leaving your trash on the floor.

Calum's body is close to mine and I can feel his body heat radiating towards me. I scoot my body back farther into him as I shiver. I can't shake the chill in the air. The air conditioning must be blasting.

I almost yelp when his arms circle around me but I keep my voice down. I'm pulled further back into him. My whole body becomes engulfed and I settle into his warmth.

Sleep pulls me back under as my mind settles.


Calum's lips are the first thing I feel when I wake up again. My eyes flutter open as he connects our lips together.

Our bodies face each other as his hands travel lower. "Good morning to you too Calum."

His eyes focus in on me and he goes at my neck. I never knew it could feel so good to share a bed with someone. I always saw it as a loss of freedom instead of something to gain.

Just another thing Calum has changed my mind on in a such quick time.

"We need to get up." Calum says into my neck. I wrap my arms around his neck and squeeze onto him.

"We do. Don't we?" He told me last night they had to leave this afternoon for sound check and rehearsals. I knew he had to get going but I really didn't want to get out of bed.

His hands trail lower as he rolls pulling me on top of his torso. I laugh before gasping as he drives his hips upwards against me.

"Calum." I practically whine.

We don't really have time for this. I don't know what time it is but I'm sure he woke me up for a reason other then fooling around in Michael and Crystals spare room.

I plunge my head into his neck kissing down the valley slowly. A soft groan that leaves goosebumps down my arms and legs comes out of his mouth as a knock sounds on the door.

I pop up as Calum keeps trying to pull me back down to continue.

"Go away!" Calum shouts towards the unknown figure behind the door. He seems to ignore whoever's at the door but I can't. I take a peak towards the door and the shadow doesn't move.

I start tapping on Calum's head to get him to stop but he has another idea in mind. He flips us back over burying his head into my chest.

"CALUM! come on we gotta go." The voice I recognize as Ashton sounds. Embarrassment floods me as I realize he probably knows exactly what's going on in here.

Calum sighs as he falls down next to me. "I hate them sometimes." He says quietly to me with a silly chuckle.

"I heard that." The voice sounds from outside the door.

I can't help the fonding smile that comes to my face as he adjusts the hair from around me. "We will finish this later love."

I nod biting my bottom lip knowing he isn't bluffing. Calum isn't one to go back on a promise. When he says something he means it. "Now don't go doing that or I might just ignore him."

The laughs escape me as he pulls me out of bed by my ankles. I can't help the squeals as he throws my body over his shoulders and starts moving towards the door.

"NO, NO, NO. Calum, I need to get dressed." I whisper shout threw the giggles that flow through the room.

"Oh you don't want everyone to see your butt?" His hand reaches up and grabs my bottom. I start hammering on his back playfully.

"Calum Thomas put me down or I will throw up on you." This seems to spring him into action as he sets me down firmly on the floor.

I throw on the tight dress from the night before and take Calum's flannel again. I make the bed quickly while he picks up the rest of our stuff from the floor.

Were still laughing together as we make our way to the kitchen. It's hard to remember a time after I lost my parents where I was this content with my life.

It doesn't just come from Calum either. A sort of peace has settled into me knowing I'm taking control over my own life again. The confidence Calum holds in me has shown me how much I have to offer.

As we step into the kitchen I can tell everyone is waiting for us. All of the boys look up from the dining table while Sierra and Crystal sit at the counter deep in conversation. Ashton's girlfriend who's name I had already forgotten didn't seem to be here anymore.

"I'm going to go drop her off but I'll meet you guys at the venue." Calum announces to the room. We start to make our way towards leaving when Crystal speaks up.

"Um, maybe we could catch up and I could drive her home or to the venue tonight?" Crystal seems to ask Calum. A soft grin comes on his face as he turns a questioning look towards me.

I nod slowly realizing this could be a chance to clear everything up. I would really like to know how Crystal met Michael and what she thought of Calum. I had already formed opinions but an old friends thoughts were equally as comforting.

I answer to Crystal while his grip tightens on me. "Of course. We should catch up. That way Cal can just ride with the guys or whatever."

With that the other guys get up and say their goodbyes. I turn around to do the same. "Are you going to come tonight? You can ride with Crys."

I can't help the smile that comes to my face. He actually wants me to watch the show. I know he had already asked me to come to one but he was actually pulling through.

"You want me to come?" He pulls me into a tight hug nodding.

"Of course." He mumbles into my ear.

"Then okay. I'll do that." It's all worth it when I watch the smile that lights up his face. He lifts me off of my feet while the boys start giving him a hard time about getting going.

The moment my feet hit the floor I'm pushing him towards the stairs urging him to go. I'll see him later.

"Calum. I have no idea what you have to do but you need to go do that." He chuckles as I push against his back.

"Okay. Okay. I'm going then. Crystal take care of my girl." He shouts as he makes his way outside.

The grin doesn't leave my face as I watch him walk out the front door.

"Stella, you both got it bad. I've never seen you in this deep." Crystal calls from across the room. I bury my face into my hands.

She's right that's why it's so hard. Especially the Stella she knew would never catch feelings like this. I turn back towards them pulling myself onto the counter next to Sierra.

I can't help the dreamy look on my face. "Crystal I do. It's so bad."

All she does is laugh at me while tidying up the already clean kitchen.

"You guys hungry?" Crystal asks. Before I can answer Sierra loudly protests about how hungry she is. Before I know it we are out the door headed towards Starbucks.

My claims of not having the right clothes go unheard as Crystal lends me some clothes. When I tell her I have no idea what I'm going to wear tonight a grin creeps up on her face.

I know how much Crystal enjoys dressing people. From what I know of Sierra she seems pretty fashionable too. The funny thing is I can do it for other people but not myself.

The next words that leave her mouth fill me with dread. "We are going shopping."

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