Chapter 22: CAKE Vs. Sterra

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*21 weeks

The bell rings as I slip through the door of the café. The smell of coffee practically punches me in the face.

I don't mind though. These days I'm never sure how I will react to strong smells but the coffee is pretty decent.

My eyes wander the tables as I spot the mop of black hair facing opposite of me.

I make my way over trying not to walk funny. Turns out that as I grow I almost forget how to walk properly. I barely look different but I feel so lopsided.

As I pull the chair back Sierra's head pops up.

"Oh. Stella you're here!" She gives me a friendly smile before sliding over a drink my way.

I return the smile taking off my coat before sitting down. I huff before taking a sip of the cool liquid. "You didn't have to get me anything."

She giggles as she types along on her keyboard. "Hey, you're carrying my niece or nephew the least I can do is get you a drink."

I roll my eyes chuckling lightly at her hard headedness as she continues to type along.

"Si, what are you doing on there?" I ask as she barely looks at me still. She types in a furry before she seems to click off of whatever was so important.

"Oh, I was just sending an email about the baby shower. The bands manager gave us dates and I think it's going to be in about 3 or 4 months I have a couple of dates for you to look over." A shy blush comes over my face as she turns the screen for me to look at.

"I want to thank you for doing all of this. I really could help if you want." Sierra waves me off as she starts typing again.

"Nonsense. This is a family and you're a part of it now. Plus I love babies and I also love planning stuff. So does Crystal so I'm not doing this alone."

Tears come to my eyes as my heart swells. I would blame the hormones but I think it's more then that.

I choke through the tightness wanting to show my gratefulness. "I really appreciate it. You don't know what this means to me... I don't really have anyone else in my life to do this."

Her typing stops as her head tilts up. Her eyes are soft as she takes in my mushy state.

"Stella, what are you thinking about? I know you are thankful but I can tell it's more." I drop her gaze playing with the lid of the cup.

"Honestly I'm kind of thinking about my Mom. If she were here I know she would be so involved and I miss her even more. I just can't stop thinking that I'll never live up to the kind of Mom she was for me." A single tear streaks down my cheek as Sierra reaches across the table holding my hand.

"You're going to be an amazing Mom. No one is perfect but I know that Cal is so sure of that. When I was on the road with them that's all he talks about."

I let out a shaky breath pulling my emotions in check. "Yeah. Thanks Sierra. I guess it's also wearing heavily on me about how things ended with my friend Maggie."

She closes her laptop paying full attention to me. "That's the one who ditched you on the night you met Calum right." I nod as she seems to think. "The way I see it is you reached out. Maybe give her some more time and eventually she will see what she did."

I rest my chin onto my hand. My fingers scratch along my arm trying to soothe myself. "You're right. I guess I just really miss Calum too. Everything runs so much smoother when we're together."

I watch as a smile pulls onto her face.

"Yeah it feels that way with Lu too. That's why I prefer to travel with them as much as possible. Now that you are working from home more I think you'll see that even clearer." I can't help but laugh lightly as the mood brightens.

"What time are we flying out next week?" I sip on the drink as she opens her laptop back up seemingly to search for the answer.

After a couple of clicks she responds. "It looks like our flight is leaving at 5:30 in the morning."

I groan as I imagine the early wake up call. I can't wait to see Calum but I'm not looking forward to the plane ride.

"Those days we travel with them are going to be so fun. You'll get to meet Crystal's family. They're really nice and her Mom makes the best food." That brings a big smile to my face.

"Oh my that's one thing I don't mind about pregnancy. I'm eating all of the time and I don't even feel guilty about it at all." Sierra glances up at me from the computer smiling as I laugh.

"I'm just so excited to see Calum. It's been too long and I know he's going to be so surprised at how big I'm getting." I push back in the chair slouching further to prove my point.

"When Luke called this morning before rehearsals he said Calum has been pretty insufferable about how much he's missing."

He's such a baby sometimes. At every mention of the baby he goes so soft. It makes my heart flutter as I imagine him holding our baby in his arms.

Imagining Calum as a dad is actually pretty hot. I can't wait to not feel so bloated and invaded. Although I want to appreciate this time as I hold my baby within me it's not exactly at the top of my list.

I don't remember ever dreaming of being a mother. It wasn't something I ever even really thought about truly.

Sierra pauses typing as she looks up from her laptop yet again. "What are you thinking about now?" A small smile rests on her face as she seems to really want to know what I'm thinking.

"About him..."

It's always him.

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