Chapter 27: Second Act

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*28 weeks

I've never been part of a large family. 

Even before I lost my parents it was really just my brother and I. We didn't have a lot of cousins or anything of the sort. 

So as we sit through Calum's large family party my head spins a bit. 

It's nice to gain something you never knew you were missing. It's also a lot to take in. At this point I feel too in the open. 

Calum seems to sense the shift in my comfort as he leans closer while his, I think great aunt, speaks. 

His whole family has been so kind to me today. 

Basically what happened was Joy told one member of the family and before you knew it his whole family was throwing a celebration for us. 

Calum was fuming but I thought it was cute. 

I wish I had someone besides my brother to react so excitedly. 

We have been grilled with so many questions today though. So many questions I have no answer to. 

Calum rests his hand on my leg effectively pulling me out of my thoughts. 

"Stella, Auntie wants to know if you are having a home birth." I can't help that my eyes go wide or that my jaw drops. How on earth do I answer that. 

"Um, you know, I'm not quite sure yet... Auntie." I glance to Cal begging for help. "Calum and I will have to discuss that later." 

She gives a disapproving look before turning away and speaking to another family member. 

Calum leads us away with a strained smile. He leans in to my ear as we approach an empty area of the yard. 

"Don't worry about her. It's really okay." 

I stop in my tracks. 

This isn't how I pictured meeting his relatives would go. It's not according to plan. One thing I hate is not following a plan. 

Now I'm realizing I don't even really have a plan. 

"Calum. Your whole extended family is going to hate me. Right now I barely have a read on your Dad. Does any family besides your mom and sister like me." He scratches his neck awkwardly. Like he doesn't want to answer my question. 

"It makes me feel like an incubator or something. It's not okay." He looks stunned. "Are you going to say something Calum Thomas."

He still doesn't answer as he looks around the party. Perhaps he's hoping someone will come rescue him. Luckily for me no one does. 

His lips purse before he makes eye contact with me again. 

"Look I agree. It's not okay for my family to talk to you like that... I just... I don't know how to say something. It's different in my family. Things are, well they are delicate. It would be seen as extremely disrespectful and I don't want my family to view you as corrupting me." I fold my arms. 

"My family is just extremely old fashioned and sticking up to them isn't going to change that." He takes my hands in his pulling them away from my small bump. 

I let them fall down as he pulls me in to his body. 

"If they ask anything that makes you uncomfortable touch my hand and I will intervene. I'm sorry they are being so harsh." 

I rest my head on his shoulder finding some peace. 

"Okay. I can agree to that." His arms encircle around me gently. 

"They will warm up to you I promise. If they don't they won't get to see you or the baby." I stiffen in his arms. 

That is not what I want. 

"We should probably talk more about this later Calum." He nods solemnly as I take in his beautiful face. 

"You know it's not much farther Cal." He gets a glint in his eye. "I know, I'm thrilled." He says excitedly. 

I laugh. "I'm glad your so excited for me to go through that." 

I can see he's about to give a smart remark when his mother pops in to tell us it's time to load the car. 

I smile before we make our way out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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