Chapter 13: Visitation

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The sun rays shine down onto my body providing the kind of warmth I've been craving for the past few months.

I sip the fruity cocktail that leaves a sickly sweet taste on my tongue. Crystal and I were lounged near the large figure eight shaped pool.

I set my drink hearing the soft clink on the glass table as I close my eyes to catch a quick nap. Man I really love Florida.

Somewhere in this resort Calum and the rest of the band were in a stuffy room being interviewed about their tour. I for one was enjoying the small amount of space it offered us.

For the 3 days I've been in Florida with them Calum has been attached to my side. We have barely left the hotel room not even bothering to get dressed. Now I'm not going to complain about the alone time that's been nice.

He's made it well worth my time. Something about Calum's hands on my body is so relieving. It brings out a side of me I've never known. He makes me some sort of heathen.

Honestly any time spent with him is worth it though. I could watch paint dry if it was with him. I picture his face and can't help the small grin that comes. To say I'm smitten would be an understatement.

Turns out when people say distance makes the heart grow fonder it's entirely true. We both continue to keep up our end of the agreement. I spoke to Calum more then anyone else in my life. Even people I saw every day in person.

The vacation was nice but we all understood it had to end at some point. Which made Calum want to leave my side even less this morning but he had responsibilities as did I.

Tomorrow would be a harsh return to reality though. There would be a show and then I was going home. Without the one person who I really wished could come with.

Now I wouldn't mind any of the others coming back as well. Getting closer with Sierra and Crystal has been amazing but there is still a level of unfamiliarity. It would take some serious time and exposure for that.

I'm so lost in my own world I'm startled by the large body that piles on top of me as I let out a groan. He double checks to make sure he hasn't put too much weight on my thin frame before rolling his eyes coming to the conclusion I was just being dramatic.

He was right but I wouldn't give him that satisfaction. Although his weight had pushed us farther down into the chair making my butt touch the metal frame of the chair. It didn't hurt.

"Calum Hood you interrupted my nap and we might break this chair. Get off of me." I try to say in the most grumpy tone I can muster. It comes out sounding unconvincing but I still refuse to open my eyes. I hear a mischievous laugh as he springs off of me.

I barely have time to react before he's picked me up off the chair thrown over his shoulder. How he manhandles me so easily I will never understand.

My hands shoot to my top making sure nothing was falling out. The last thing I needed was to flash the whole resort. I don't think it can get any worse when Calum says words he knows will get him in trouble.

"Plug your nose." I barely have time to react before gravity shifts and we're falling into the lukewarm pool. He's lucky the sun has heated the pool up enough it didn't leave me freezing. I would have been a lot worse of a sport.

"Oh you're going to regret that Hood." I say in my most menacing tone before lunging out at him.

Our laughter fills the air as everyone else makes their way in the pool.

Michael helps Crystal up from the chair and they walk in by the stairs. I turn to Calum the water from my hair still dripping down my face.

"See look at how nice Mike is. Didn't your mother raise you to be nicer." A pitch of giggles run through Cal as he wraps his arms around my waist under the water. I settle into his chest as we float through the pool.

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