48. Love me like you did

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Calum's POV

I look down at the girl sleeping peacefully on my shoulder, allowing my head to rest gently on top of hers.

Getting on this plane was a hassle that it didn't need to be.

Ashton realized that it probably wasn't the best idea to bring three carry on bags after he boarded the plane, Luke and Michael were seated together and caused a scene in order to switch Victoria from her spot next to Ashton so she can sit next to Luke.

Michael's is the dumbest reason of all.

The second he scanned his ticket and began boarding the plane, he turned around and booked it towards an unknown location. When he returned to the plane he claimed that he "smelled the best smelling pizza he's ever smelled," in the distance.

I felt myself smiling as I reminisced on the thought of my best friend running off a plane that would be taking off in no less than twenty minutes, just for pizza.

Lucy squirmed a bit from under me to situate herself more comfortably on my shoulder.

We'd been in the air now for about six hours and we still had nine to go. I didn't mind, for I had the most beautiful girl cuddled up to me making time pass faster.

"Cal?" Lucy asked softly.

"Yes baby?" I asked just as softly so that I wouldn't disturb her sleepy state.

"Can we listen to your new album?" She asked taking me by surprise. Lucy had never asked to listen to our music in a very long time. The last time I can remember is before we gained our fame when we would practice songs in our living rooms.

"Oh, yeah sure." I said stuttering over my words in surprise.

I connected my earbuds to my phone and handed one to her. She placed it in her ear and settled her head back onto my shoulder.

Expecting for us to sit in mostly silence while listening, she began telling me her opinions, interests, and what she found fascinating about this album.

"My favorite song is definitely waste the night. Wait no, outer space/carry on, or...wait no i think vapor. I have no idea, I love all of them." She rambled mostly to herself.

"Pick one," I taunted.

She took a second to think it over, "outer space/carry on." She nodded, confident in her answer.

"And why's that?" I asked curious to know why that song specifically and just to hear her talk more.

"I love your voice in it, especially the lines love me like you did, I'll give you anything." Her words sparked something in my heart and chest that only she can ever make me feel. "I also love how it ends on a hopeful note."

I nodded taking in her explanation. "I'm glad you love it," I mumbled against her forehead before pressing a kiss to it.

Waste the night began playing and I grabbed her hand, intertwining our fingers together as I thought back to the writing process of this song.

I remember it so vividly. Finally having my girl back and making a promise to never losing her again.

Resting my head against hers, I close my eyes and allow our peaceful listening session continue.

Truthfully, I wouldn't want to spend this fifteen hour flight any other way.

Nine hours later and we're finally in the lobby of our hotel. Victoria and Lucy crashed onto the couch the second we entered the building, with the exception of Michael sprawled out across  Lucy's lap.

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