Chapter 01.New Flame

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*Nadia's POV*

12P.M, class is already done and every girls starting to go to canteen to get their second break. While I just sitting on my chair until a girl with white hair name Kiana came to me... Asking as always.

Kiana : Yo, Nadia. Me, Bronya and Mei-senpai will go to canteen. Do you wanna come with us?

Nadia : ... No, thanks *stand up and walk pass Kiana* I got personal business to do.

I left the classroom.

*Kiana's POV*

Kiana : Hmph. What's up with this girl? Everytime she always come with flat and grumpy face.

Mei : It's Okay, Kiana-chan. She probably will come to the canteen soon.

Kiana : You right. Anyways, let's go before the foods are out.

Bronya : Da.

Mei : You both go ahead. I want to look at Nadia-san again.

Kiana : You sure about that, Mei-senpai?

Mei : It's okay. I'll be with you both in minutes. See you *she went away to meet Nadia*

Kiana : Well, there goes Mei-senpai. Come on, we still have time.

*3rd person view*

Kiana and Bronya went to canteen while Mei trying to find where Nadia goes to. As Nadia walk around the St.Freya, she goes to vending machine to buy a soda. Waiting for the soda drop to the pickup hole, two naughty students trying to do something to Nadia. They didn't notice that Nadia can see what are they trying to do with her on the glass reflection. As fast reflect, Nadia hold the naughty student arm strongly and spin to her back.

Nadia : Too slow...

Naughty student 2 : You little- *trying to punch Nadia*

Nadia then use the other naughty student that her hold as human shield. After that Nadia push them back and they fall to the ground.

Nadia : Embrassing in front of the public. Go away...

Naughty student 1 : W-We will get you next time!

They run away as Nadia shaking her head. Mei arrive when Nadia just done dealing with the naughty students. Mei gasp as she can see a scratch mark on her right hand. Mei immediatly go to Nadia.

Mei : Oh my, Nadia-san... You okay?

Nadia : Hm? Mei-senpai... I'm okay.

Mei : But... Your right hand...

Nadia : I said I'm okay...

Mei : O-Okay... What on earth they trying to do?

Nadia : *shrugs. Saw her soda already in pickup hole and take it* ... Any business you come to me?

Mei : I-I just... Want to company you for a bit. If... It is not bothering you?

Nadia : Hmph. There's a chair we can sit.

Mei : O-Okay.

They sat on the chair and Nadia about to open her soda. She open the lit and start drinking it slowly.

Nadia : ...Didn't you want to go with Kiana and Bronya to the canteen?

Mei : I-I was but... I just bit worried about you.

Nadia : Hm.... Thanks for your concern but, I'm fine without anyone...

Mei : I-I see. So Nadia-san... Are you busy tonight? If not... Can you help Kiana with her training?

A Hope In The Flame (Female OC x Honkai Impact)Where stories live. Discover now