Chapter 06. Desperate

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**Time 00:30PM (Afternoon, not night), Hyperion. Training room**
**Nadia's POV**

Nadia : Good, keep that up.

Kiana : *panting* Man... You are hard to read.

Nadia : That is why I do that. Making your movement hard to read will give you advantage to enemy. They will confuse and start aimlessly to target you.

Kiana : Dang. Sure you had more experience than me.

Nadia : Hmph, I ain't that lazy type person like you.

Kiana : Hey, What did you just-!

Nadia : *flick her forehead* Remember what I've said days ago?

Kiana : R-Right... Emotion.

Nadia : Good. Let's take a break now, you need more stamina tomorrow. If there is anything you need, call me. I'll help you up.

Kiana : On it. At least... You make me not to feel stress anymore.

Nadia : Don't mention it. Here *I gave her a bottle of water* I accidently bring more than one.

Kiana : *She take the bottle* Thanks

We both going out from the training room and from far away, I can see Miss Himeko. Seeing her right hand with handsign "come here" directly to me.

Nadia : Kiana, you can go back to our room. Miss Himeko call me.

Kiana : Okay.

Kiana went back to our room, to get some rest. While I go to Miss Himeko because she call me with her handsign to come. I arrive to her and start asking.

Nadia : Yes, Miss Himeko?

Himeko : How's her progress so far?

Nadia : She did got little improvement. But still, I can sense her worriness. Probably because of "that"

Himeko : "that"... Yeah, you right. Guess we can't lose our eye on her.

Nadia : Yes. Well, it is a life promise for protecting her until the time is come.

Himeko : Life promise? You mean?

Nadia : Well... Sorry if I said this. What I mean is... Sacrifice have to be make.

Himeko : ...Nadia-chan. You sure about this?

Nadia : Miss Himeko, you can trust me. I don't have any willing to kill her even she is being controlled. I never forget that words. The one who left their friends behind is worse than a scum.

Himeko just stand silent, her face is bit red... Hope she is not angry to me. Dammit... Why I have to say this out loud to her?

Himeko : Alright... But, you have to remember what Principal Theresa said to you.

When she said that, it really remind me what Principal Theresa said. "Mother"... She want me to call her like that if... My rank reach to S rank. Now, it is my turn to look down and feel bit shy. I know I lost my mother like 15 years. Miss Theresa did take care of me like my mother. I don't even care if Miss Theresa is human made of the legendary Valkryie named Kallen Kaslana and Honkai Beast Vishnu's genes by Otto Apocalypse or Miss Theresa's grandfather. As long Miss Theresa has a heart like normal human, Miss Theresa still a human. And of course, Miss Theresa power is more powerful than me.

Himeko : W-Well... This getting awkward.

Nadia : *scratches my back head* I guess so... But thanks for reminding me about Principal's promise, miss Himeko. *smile*

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