Extra Chapter 2. True Feeling

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"Yup, another extra chapter. This time, Kiana will have her own POV from start until end of this chapter"

**Hyperion, Nadia and Kiana's Room. 8PM after diner**
**Kiana's POV**

Mei-senpai always cook a great food everyday. Without her, probably I won't even eat a food from Mei-senpai homestyle cooking. Right now, I'm reading a comic in my room, along with Nadia writing something on her desk. I'm curious what she write, so I walk slowly to her back.

Kiana : Hehehe.

Nadia : Hmmmmmmm...

Great, she didn't notice me. When I'm almost close to her back, suddenly she surprise me up with back of her pen touching my forehead.

Nadia : Trying to sneak up on me?

Kiana : Geez, you notice me. Neh, Nadia... What are you writing?

Nadia : Just a note of material I need for my new claymore.

Kiana : So, you saving your money to?

Nadia : What do you think? Pay the blacksmith to craft it and some few materials I can buy on him.

Kiana : Yeah... I would guess that. *I hug her from the back* So warm...

Nadia : Heh, now you make me as your pillow.

Kiana : You could say so... *yawn*

Nadia : Early? Well, that's not you huh, Kiana?

Kiana : I am still am. It just... We have a good training and nice hot shower.

Nadia : You right. Welp, time for the princess go to the bed.

Kiana : Eh?

She let go from the my hug. She stand up from the chair, turn her view to me and suddenly... She carry me like princess.

Kiana : E-EH!?

Nadia : Don't be tough, my princess. You need a good rest, so you won't feel tired when doing the mission. No need to worry about me.

She walk to my bed and put me on it. My face is red like tomato and look away while puckering my cheek.

Kiana : D-Don't call me that... B-Baka...

Nadia : There you go, Kiana being Tsundere. Hahaha

Kiana : hmmmmmmmph! Baka! Baka Nadia! *I punch Nadia softly on her stomach*

Nadia : Ahahahahaha. Okay, okay. I give up. You win, Kiana-chan.

Kiana : Hmph!... Nadia, you've change.

Nadia : Well, who knows. Maybe I'm just not being myself.

When she said that, I suddenly remember about I have last night. That nightmare... I still can't get it out from my head. I remember that shadowy figure said to me like...

??? : When you are not being you, soon you will know. All your loved one won't be here and you will rule over the world. But, my time is not now. I will wake up soon... Very soon.

Nadia : Hey? Earth to Kiana. You there?

Nadia knocking my head like a door but slow and softly. I suddenly hug her.

Nadia : Hm?

Kiana : Please... Don't go.

Nadia : *Smile* Why would you say that, you dummy. Of course, I won't go. But seriously, you also better not doing something nuts as well. I'm the one who also put in charge to protecting you.

Kiana : Did Aunt Theresa said that you?

Nadia : Yes, she did. She never take out her worriness to us. But I can handle myself. So, she need a better two eyes from someone to keep an eye on ya.

Kiana : I see. Nadia can you... Sleep with me?

Nadia : Become more clingy eh? Alright. Don't let Mei-senpai see us, haha.

Kiana : Hey, I'm being serious!

Nadia : Alright, alright. Anything for you.

As I let go the hug from her, I feel bit relieve. I don't know why, Nadia is not being her serious type tonight. Maybe she hit her head or eating something weird. Nah, probably she start to learn for being optimist. She sit next to me on my bed and patting my head.

Kiana : huh?

Nadia : To calm you down. I feel someone not feeling good for this day.

Kiana : ... Thanks, but I'm fine.

I hold her hand and silent. Still holding her warm and bit rough hand, I keep thinking about her. That last words from shadowy figure in my dream...

??? : "Your hero? Hmph. Think she will beat me? For long time, she never be strong. She only can watch her beloving father died, for protecting a kitten that needs help. Soon, you will watch her die, in slow and painful way"

I shake my head to clear my mind and stop thinking about that crappy words.

Kiana : Nadia...

Nadia : What?

Kiana : Do you think... You can beat "her"?

Nadia : ...Probably.

Kiana : Probably?

Nadia : Well, I still not strong as my father. I still need more improvement on everything. Why you ask me that?

Kiana : I don't know.. It just... I'm scared

Nadia : Scared, huh?

I just nod my head, saying yes. Without hesitation.. She suddenly kiss me on the lips. I can't do anything except I continue her kiss. Few seconds we doing our kissing, Nadia separate it.

Nadia : Calmer now?

Kiana : Yeah... What was that for?

Nadia : Showing expression that I love you.

Kiana : !!!

Nadia : Hahaha. You can't even hide your true feeling either, can you? Hahaha.

Kiana : Nadia!

I push her and now she lay down on the bed. My face is close to her face with holding my shyness.

Nadia : Oh? Counter-attack I see.

Kiana : Y-Y-You the one... W-Who start it first!

I just silent and surprise... I feel joy and warm in my heart. Nadia... You truly are... My baka hero.

Kiana : Nadia... *I kiss her right on her lips, as she also continue it as well*

We separate from our kiss and Nadia smiling to me.

Nadia : Enjoying it?

Kiana : Y-yeah. *I lay down on my bed and right next to Nadia* I'm enjoying it.

Nadia : Glad to hear. Now, it's good time to sleep. It's already 9PM.

We both went sleep and preparing ourself to do our mission in the morning.

**Extra Chapter 2 is done. How was it?**

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