Special Chapter 3.Devil Inside

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**Date : Sunday, April 11th 2018, Nadia's Bedroom, 5.30AM In the Morning**
**Nadia's POV. In Her Dream**

Where... Am I? Everything is just... Blurly. The only thing I can do is just hearing. I can hear so many whispering around me.

"Why you still alive with that curse?"

"You just bringing that your friend"

"You will doom them all!"

"You shouldn't be here!"

What... Is this... I have to get hold of this. I just keep walking slowly with closing both of my ears and eyes.

"Nadia" : I cannot believe... We finally meet again... My real self.

Nadia : You?

Out of nowhere... My evil self show right in front of me. Her appearance... Is far way different from before. Her eyes are now full red. Her body is totally black like a shadow. Her smile is like a blood pouring down.

Nadia : You... Look more... different... What happen to you?

"Nadia" : *giggle* Why you need to ask? Listen around you. You bring your bad memory again to your mind and this is what I got. More false accusation... More blaming... More feel guilt. This is like my meal every seconds.

Nadia : ...

"Nadia" : Heh, probably... You should have not wake up to see the bright of the day.

Suddenly, she stab me with dark copy of my claymore right on the stomach.

"Nadia" : You will be good to stay with papa... Forever.

**Back to Reality**

Nadia : GAH!!!

I quickly jump from my bed, holding my face and panting. What... was that? Gosh... Another nightmare again. My body... is so sweaty. I look at my digital watch that is near with my bed and it is on the desk... 5.30AM, still early.

Sirin : Nadia?

Nadia : S-Sirin... Since when... You're in my bedroom?

Sirin : I was from bathroom, taking a pee. And suddenly, I hear you screaming. So, I decided to check on you. You left your door to be unlock anyway.

Nadia : I-I see... I'm fine anyway. T-Thanks...

I look down and trying to hold myself. My legs are bit shaking... My foots, are quite cold... My entire body is shivering... I hug myself and I can feel the coldness of my hand.

Sirin : You sure are not fine.

Nadia : ....

Sirin then sit on my bed and hug me. I can't do anything except, keep shivering and bit panting. That words.... I can't get that out from my head.

Sirin : Let me guess, a nightmare.

Nadia : ...Yeah.

Sirin : Dare to tell me?

I really want to but... I don't want her to burden herself to help me. So I choose to shakes my head, saying no to her.

Sirin : I guess, it will be best for you to have some time. When you want to, just tell me. I'll be here for you, my queen *giggles*

Nadia : H-Hey... Thats-

Suddenly, she kiss me on the lips... Leaving me with widen my eyes and bit surprise. Tears drop from my eyes and I decided to continue the kiss. I hug her back while we are kissing. Sirin sure know how to do this. Seconds later, we separate our kiss, leaving bit saliva out from it.

A Hope In The Flame (Female OC x Honkai Impact)Where stories live. Discover now