Extra Chapter 04. Break

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**Nadia's POV**

We finally arrive at my and papa's house. I'm surprise that the house... Everything is back to normal. Nothing is burned down. The woods are in perfect condition. I can see a smoke going out from the chimney. The windows are in their normal state. Even the door is even better than before.

Nadia : Wow... Papa. Did you do this?

Strife : Hehe, yup. I did. Papa use last of papa's power to fix the house. Oh yes, Adlehyde is now free from Honkai Energy. You guys don't feel it, do you?

Himeko : You're right, I feel no strange energy around here. I'm sorry, what's your name again?

Strife : Strife. Strife Adalrich. Thank you for taking care of my daughter, Himeko.

Himeko : You're... Welcome *look away and blushing*

Miss Himeko... You know you can't hide that away from me. Well... To be honest, papa is much older than you. Papa is 35 years old.

Nadia : Here we go again, being Miss Himeko casual day.

Himeko : S-Stop it... Nadia-chan.

Strife : Ahahaha, you both always entertain me. Well, we better come inside. There's no point for keep standing in the middle of snow.

Himeko : R-Right... Talking about that, I feel bit cold.

Nadia : Thought carrying me can warm you up. Hehehehe :P

Himeko : W-Well... Y-you did but... My battlesuit is quite bit open, you know?

Nadia : Right. Papa, is there a clothes that could fit for Miss Himeko?

Strife : Glad you ask that, yes there's some.

Himeko : That would be good, thanks.

Strife : You're welcome.

Papa open the door for us. Yeah... Papa always gentle to a lady. Even mama left us bit earlier... Papa still never change. But he promise to me that he won't get engage with other lady. But still, how he can be here? This is not illusion right? Or I'm dreaming right now? No, because I can feel everything is real. As me and Miss Himeko enter the house, it's really warm and the fire from the furnace light the entire room. Glad it still afternoon and sun light beaming through the window. Even the furniture still look like new and never been use. Papa even fix my bed.

Nadia : Woooooow... Miss Himeko, you can leave me now. I can walk now.

Himeko : Alright. Man, so warm in here.

Strife : Our house is made from special woods that can save the warmness. Also not to mention, this woods is capable to hold the blizzard. So you won't have a cold day.

Nadia : True that. Hmmmm... This smells. Ah yes, cookie.

I saw a basket full of cookies, two tea cup with the plate and a teapot on the dining table. Right, papa likes to make cookies when he is in his freetime. I never thought that he's so good at cooking, just like Mei-senpai. I sit on the chair near the table and start to eat the cookies, one by one and slowly. The taste... So sweet. It really make me remember when I was kid. Tears start droping my eyes while smiling as well.

Himeko : Eh? Nadia-chan... What's wrong?

Papa then sit next to me, hug me.

Strife : There there... It really bring you back, isn't it?

Nadia : Yeah... It is... Papa, why... Why you still here? I thought... You already
gone forever.

Strife : Papa still have a bit of papa's power. I can stay here bit longer to see my daughter. You might think this is an illusion. But, here I am.

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