Special Chapter 09.Lab Incident

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**Date & Time : Sunday, April 18th 2018, Saint Freya Academy Labotary, 9AM In The Morning. Nadia's POV**

Nadia : *sigh* Why this could happen to me?

Right now... I'm just sitting on the chair, lift my left leg to the chair and putting my right hand on the chin... Thinking while Sirin... She sit right beside me and rest her head on my right shoulder. It's not like I'm holding my shyness or wanna rub her because... Both of us have cat ears and tails.

**Before Actually Happen**

Never thought that Dr.Einstein is visiting to Saint Freya Academy. I mean we know she is from Anti-Entropy. Since that day they make a trust with us again... They won't be our enemy. Well except for Miss Tesla that still being tsun-tsun as always. Mom told me to go visit her on the lab and bring Sirin together, so I will have company. Sirin agree to come with me, that put an ease on my shoulder. Me and Sirin are now in the lab with Dr.Einstein. Heh, even not in her base, she still doing experiment in here.

Nadia : Doing some experiment, Doc?

Einstein : Yes. You might look at this once it is done.

While I'm helping Dr.Einstein with her experiment... Sirin is looking around the lab. Tho, I'm not really fond off with science stuff but meh... I'm barely get a good score on the lesson before.

Sirin : Never thought one of the Anti-Entropy genius is visiting one of Schicksal's place... Saint Freya Academy.

Einstein : I actually really want to see how Miss Theresa and other valkyries including you girls are doing right now. I'm really interested to hear more about you, Miss Nadia.

Nadia : Heh, without you guys... I won't be here.

Einstein : Give big thanks to Miss Theresa. She's the one who did more on that time.

Sirin : Hm? What's this? *she's pointing to the yellow liquid that is boiling and about to touch the glass*

Nadia : That's- *Turn my view to Sirin* Wait Sirin, don't touch that!

Because me and Dr.Einstein lost our focus, Einstein's experiment fall to the floor and make a smoke bomb in the lab. Glad it didn't set on the fire alarm.

Nadia : *coughing* Let me... Turn on the fan.

I slowly walk to find the fan switch around the wall. Once I found it, I push the button to turn it on. The smoke is clear and now I can see clearly.

Nadia : Are you guys.... Oooookay?

Once I look at them... Now they have cat ears and tail.

Einstein : I'm fine. How about you, Miss Nadia?

Nadia : Uhhhmmmmm...

Sirin : Oh... Nadia? *her cat ears are twitching*

What... In... The.. World... Is... Going on!? When I'm looking at the mirror, I also have cat ears and tail. Is this what you working for right now, Dr.Einstein!?

Nadia : Oh gosh, Oh no... *facepalm*

Einstein : Well... I guess this is another failure. All of us seems have anomaly on our body.

Nadia : *sigh* You don't need to say or even ask about it. You already got the proof right in front of your eyes, Doc (-_-").

Sirin : Nadia~(:3)

Sirin suddenly hug my back and start rubbing her head on my back. Great... Now I have to do something with this.

**Back to Present**

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