Extra Chapter 03.Escape

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"Do remember, this chapter tells stories, how Himeko escape from the prison, before Nadia and her team attacking the schicksal base. Himeko and Fu Hua will have their POVs"

**Schicksal base**
**Fu Hua's POV**

After I capture Kiana and Himeko to Schicksal base, The Overseer Otto show me my new battlesuit.

Otto : Use this as emergency only. Shadow Knight as precise name. Right now, I want to to keep an eye on our prisoner. It is also K-423 beloving person.

Fu Hua : Roger.

Himeko might think I betray her and others. To be honest, I did for what is best for Kiana. The Overseer orders me to guarding Himeko. I went down to the prison and before I arrive there, Rita come to me.

Rita : Ara, Fu Hua-sama. It's been awhile.

Fu Hua : Rita, where you've been?

Rita : Just companying Durandal-sama eith her practice. How's the overseer doing?

Fu Hua : Still doing with his experiment into Kiana. Right now, I need to keep an eye on our prisoner.

Rita : I see. Alright then. Do you need a help?

Fu Hua : It just one person job, you can mind your business

I walk pass by her and don't want to be look suspicious.

**Timeskip, at the prison**

I arrive at the prison where General Himeko is being held. Luckly, there's no guard around here. Guess they are taking a break. I stand next to the door and didn't meet my face to her.

Himeko : So, what's your next plan?

Fu Hua : ...Stop him.

Himeko : Well, I didn't know you will do that. After all of this time, you never close to him, huh? Interesting.

Fu Hua : I'm not entirely want to work for him. It just... His stupid idea for faking a promise to me.

Himeko : I see. So, you were in Saint Freya... Just for spying Kiana-chan... Weren't you?

I nodded my head, saying yes to her. But... All that time... I learn everything and slowly... My memory is getting back. Kiana... You did change me. You open the world with your warm hand and heart. Not only you change me, but I'm also happy to see that you motivate Nadia-san.

Fu Hua : The Overseer show me a battlesuit that design to match the power against Herrscher. Incase if Kiana not being cooperate with him. But somehow... He make another one.

Himeko : Another one?

Fu Hua : Yes. I can see, he is using Flame Core. I assume you know that.

Himeko : Yeah, the core of Herrscher of Flame in old world. I can't believe he still have it.

Fu Hua : Nobody will ever know what he keeps it. Anyway, I will find a good time to let you go from here. I have no attention to do his order again.

Himeko : Alright, but when we made it back to Hyperion, you better apologize to someone who you hurt the most.

Nadia... Yeah... Probably I hurt her heart because I betray her. I feel uneasy with all of this. I'm sick that being use by him. Suddenly, the alarm is triggered. Seems a mysterious Honkai Beast approaching the base.

Fu Hua : Hm? At this time?

Himeko : Looks like someone wanna try to ruin his work.

Fu Hua : *I open the prison door for Himeko* Everybody must be busy, go to armory and get the battlesuit along with the weapon.

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