Special Chapter 4.Working Day

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"I will start doing what Ragget's recommendation. Ragget said try making some daily life of each character. Big thanks to Ragget for this. This chapter, will be full focusing on Nadia's daily routine. Her appearance is after Devil Inside chapter."

**Date : Tuesday, April 13th 2018, Saint Freya Sport Field, 10AM in the morning. Nadia's POV**

Today is new day for me to watch and help some B-rank valkyries on their Physical Education. They doing well. First, they have to run full circle on the field for three times. This is for building their stamina, endurance, breathing and agility. Second, will be hand to hand combat. They must good with their empty hand, using their fist to fight. Third, their own weapons. Kiana also gladly to help me with valkyries that using a gun. For one handed sword or samurai sword, Mei Senpai will teach them soon. For claymore user, I'm the one who will help them. Right now, this is their final lap to run

Nadia : Almost there, fellas! Keep it together and you make it! Run till like no tomorrow!

It feels weird for me. I mean like, I'm the only one who is S-Rank in here. Yet, I'm still bit young to be a teacher. My birthday is seventeen days again. But they still count me as 19 years old. Well, I take that then. As I said then, they gain more spirit.

Nadia : Haaaaaa... Doing nothing is kinda boring.

Watching them is good for keeping an eye but... I'm a person who like to do something. Man, I'm bored as hell. Suddenly, a random student came to me. She is holding a empty paper and a pen on her hand. Heh, handsign request, eh?

Student 01 : Nadia senpai, can I... Have your autograph?

Nadia : Sure.

I take the pen that she give it to me and start to sign her paper with my signature.

Nadia : And done.

Student 02 : Eh? What happen to your right hand, Nadia senpai?

Nadia : Oh this? *giggle* How about... You put this as secret, okay?

Student 01 : Okay, we will.

I open a few of bandage to show them what happen to my right hand. They showing a gasp view.

Nadia : Don't worry. This isn't honkai energy.

Student 02 : I-I see... Well, we better go to the library. Both of us promise to study more in there.

Nadia : Alright. Good luck and stay safe.

Student 01 : You too! Thanks for the autograph, Nadia senpai!

I wave goodbye to them as they also reply it back. They now running to reach to the library. Heh, it feels like I'm seeing my ownself that still sixteen years old.

Chairman of the class : Nadia senpai, we're done.

Nadia : Already done? Nice job. Alright, time to start our second phase. That is hand to hand combat. I will watching closely on all of you. Keep your eyes on the opponent. Don't look to others and focus on their movement. Got it?

All of the valkyries : Yes, ma'am!

Nadia : Great. Get to your position. Find your friend or person that suit to fight one on one with you. Starting... Now!

They start to ask one of their friend or new valkyrie to have one on one match. Good thing this class has twenty valkyries. That means ten groups, one group consist two valkyries. This will make me easy to watch them. Suddenly, a valkyrie that kinda look like a jock in the class approaching me and giving me a tough look.

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