Chapter 08.Ruin

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**Adlehyde Ruin, 11.50AM. Nadia's House**
**Nadia's POV**

Nadia : It is time, let's go. We better head to the church.

Fu Hua : Lead the way.

Me and Class Monitor leave my house. I close the door and lock it, making sure some wild animal won't bust in or strong wind can break down the door. We are now start walking to the church. Because I know the place, I told Class Monitor to take a shortcut to go there. But, we must keep an eye around because we will go through thick woods. All I found around here, just wild rabbit and boars.

Fu Hua : You sure this is the shortcut to get to the church in short time?

Nadia : Do you trust me?

Fu Hua : Well... Yes.

Nadia : Alright. We're close now.

Fu Hua : Ah!

Class monitor got slip by some of tree's root that show up. I catch her before her face hit the ground.

Nadia : Gotcha. You okay?

Fu Hua : Yeah. Thanks, Nadia-san.

Nadia : No problem.

I help her to stand up and fix her glasses. Her face start a bit red. I know she's blushing because what I did. Not saying I'm not care, I turn away, clearing my throat and continue our walk. I hope the rest of the group already at the church. I better put good words in my mind to explain about what we found from that code for Miss Himeko. Before we arrive the church, I hear a noise behind the bush around the forest.

Nadia : *spawn my claymore*

Fu Hua : Hm? What happen?

Nadia : Something in that bush.

And another wild rabbit just jump out to the bush. Gosh, it just a rabbit.

Nadia : Tch, just a wild rabbit *put my claymore on the back*

Fu Hua : At least, you still keeping your guard.

Nadia : I'm always. Come on, just few meters away.

As we walk out the forest, we arrive to the church. Just in time, they also in here. Looks like all of us already regroup.

Nadia : Oh? You guys been waiting for us?

Bronya : Nadia and Class Monitor late five minutes and twenty seconds.

Nadia : Ahahaha, that's really detail. Anyway, did you bring the magnifying glass, Miss Himeko?

Himeko : Got it right here *she take it out from her small pouch and give it to me*

Nadia : *take it gently* Thanks. Now, let me try...

As I walk to the middle of the church, the sun light start to beaming strongly. I use the magnifying glass and aim it to the small hole on the altar.

Himeko : Soooo... That's what the code said?

Fu Hua : Yes. The light shall bright the way, for better explanation

Kiana : Wow, that's rad.

After I did the puzzle, the altar start to move aside and showing as a way to underground place. Well, that work as I plan. Never believe a priest and knights would make this. At least, papa ever told me about it, so it won't surprise me up.

Nadia : That should do it.

Himeko : Alright, stay like the plan. Kiana, you will go with Nadia to investigate. Meanwhile, the rest of us will secure around the parameter.

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