Chapter 03. Reason

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A/N : Heya! I got one question. Those 2 chapters, we get more Theresa's POV. Why's that?

It because Theresa is only one who knows Nadia well instead of Himeko. Theresa act mother-like to Nadia. Even Theresa body is like 12 years old girl, Nadia already know that Theresa is much older than her. Without Theresa, who's gonna tell more about Nadia past and true potential? And better information again, Himeko was protecting Kiana when Theresa left the ship to rescue any survivors at Nadia's home.

A/N : You right. Also, can we get a true reason why Nadia always grumpy and flat face?

Oh sure, on this chapter. Let's go :).

**Saint Freya, 6P.M**
**Kiana's POV**

I look at the clock and it says "6P.M". Man, I cannot wait to see Nadia's true skill. I remember that time Nadia almost break Class Monitor's perfect score. Shucks... She also great at writing test. Why she have to be that diligent, like a nerd? Forget it. It is not my problem. For now, I must prepare myself.

Mei : Kiana-chan, I recommend not to eat too much.

Kiana : Why?

Mei : Well... You don't want have stomachache, do you?

Kiana : Right. Thanks for the advice, Mei-senpai.

Mei : No problem. Anyway, I will go with Bronya-chan and start the training. You should go and meet Nadia-san. I'm afraid she already waiting for you.

Kiana : Roger dodger. Good luck!

Mei : You too!

Mei-senpai and Bronya left the dorm and they about to start their training. Well, there is no time to lose. I better get going and meet Nadia before she just standing until bored to dead.

Kiana : Hmmmm... Probably I can have diner with Nadia. I know she like to eat around 7 P.M. Alright, that's already set.

**Nadia's POV**

Looking at my watch, the time says 6.20 P.M, Kiana have not arrive, yet. I hope she's not forgotten what she has to do. If not, miss Himeko will punish both of us.

Nadia : Tch... Where is she?

Kiana : Yo, Nadia! Waiting for me?

Speaking of devil, she finally arrive to the arena. I just crossing my arm and showing no expression to her.

Nadia : About time. I thought you might forget for training your skill tonight.

Kiana : Heh, things like this I never forget. I was having a small meal before we start our training.

Nadia : Hmph, whatever. Alright, we can done our training at 7.30 P.M. I hope you prepare.

Kiana : Well duh, I'm always 100% prepared *she takes her dual USP-45*... Wait a minute, where's your claymore?

Nadia : Just start it *still crossing my arm and stand bit far from her*

Kiana : Cih... Show off. Don't bail out, you hear me?

Nadia : Hmph... Speak to yourself... Kaslana

Kiana start to run and attack me. Her movement, is bit slow and easy to predict. Every punch, shot and kick... I dodge all of it.

Nadia : What's wrong? Where's your energy back there?

Kiana : *groaning* You- *she use her Neko-charm attack* Hope you can dodge this!

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