Chapter 17. Herrscher of Sentience

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**Five days later, Outside of Taixuan Gate. Nadia's POV**

It's already five days, we are now at Mount Taixuan. Fu Hua was right, the whole place looks different. Some of the place is still like a ruin and some of them are fixed. Even we are not entering the Taixuan, I can feel the energy. Yeah... Herrscher. What kind a herrscher is this?

Himeko : Are you both ready?

Kiana : Yup! We are ready.

Nadia : Ready.

Himeko : Alright, keep your communication on. Might you can inform us what you found in there.

Fu Hua : "Also, we can't get back unless we stop her"

Theresa : Nadia... Kiana... Don't you both leave me... Okay?

Nadia : Of course we won't, mom. I promise, we will back here.

Sirin : Don't be clumsy both of you. I wish you good luck.

Kiana : Thanks Sirin.

Nadia : Alright. Kiana, let's go. Our battle is waiting for us.

Kiana : Umu!

We both are now heading to the teleporter and ready to go down to Taixuan. As we enter in, Theresa waving good bye to us, Himeko and Sirin gave us a thumbs up. I smile and reply them with thumbs up. Me and Kiana are now teleported into Taixuan's front gate area. Once we arrive there, I scout around the area. No sign of life or any honkai.

Nadia : Kiana, turn on the communication tool.

Kiana turn on her communication tool on her right ear. When she done that, it is my turn to turn it on.

Nadia : Anyone at the bridge, can you hear me out?

Theresa : "Loud and clear, Nadia. How about you? "

I gave thumbs up to the air, showing it work smoothly and crystal clear.

Theresa : "Ok, good. Proceed to the area with caution. We detect a strong energy around it. Might it could be the power of herrscher"

Nadia : Copy that. Before that, we can search around first. Might we got some good clues to know it.

Kiana : I agree with that.

Himeko : "Good idea. Remember, you can only engage the enemy when they are try to attack you"

Nadia : Got it. Kiana, let's go. No time to waste. We must find our way to get Class Monitor back.

Kiana : Why not, I follow you.

We are now walking into inside of Taixuan's Village. Damn, whole of the place is worst than Adlehyde. Before we going deeper, first we check some houses or anything else. Just as I guess, it left nothing. Wardrobe is left to dust and broken. A chest but nothing inside. Box of nothing. It clearly empty around here.

Nadia : Great... Nothing.

Kiana : Yeah, same here.

Nadia : Let's go even more inside. This getting bored.

Kiana nodded her head saying yes to me. Before we went deeper inside, I can see a weird chain that is glowing dark red and black on it. It wasn't there awhile ago. Something always come weird everytime where I go. 

Kiana : Huh? That's new.

Nadia : Keep your guard, something is not right.

I spawn my Wolf's Gravestone claymore on my back, incase if something happen. Now, we both continue our searching deeper inside of Mount Taixuan.

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