Special Chapter 2.A Moment For Rest

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**Date : Wednesday April 7th 2018, St.Freya Dorm, 11AM in the Morning. Nadia's POV**

It has been like two hours, I'm quite busy with my duty. When I become S-Rank... I am now working as Miss Himeko and Mom's assistant. More like, helping their work. For mom... I promise to help her so she won't overwork again. And for Miss Himeko... I have to keep an eye on her so she won't drunk when doing her job. Gosh... All of this work really tiring me but hey... I'm enjoying it. I got experience from this, so I won't make myself to be difficult.

Nadia : Ahhh... So tired.

Suddenly, someone hug me on the back. I guess that... It was Kiana.

Kiana : Hiya, darling!

Nadia : Oh, Kiana. How's class?

Kiana : Pretty good.

Nadia : You... Not sleeping in the class again, are you?

Kiana : Who? Me? I will not. I'm change, remember?

Nadia : Yeah... Gosh, I'm feel so stiff on my shoulders.

Kiana : Then, how about I massage it? Since we are both are in free time.

Nadia : Alright. Let's find a good place to rest... Being assistant is more busier than normal students like you.

Kiana : Well... Can't blame yourself to become S-Rank.

Nadia : Yeah... I guess you right.

Kiana : Come on... I show you the best spot.

Kiana hold my right hand and start to walk with me, guide me to best spot that she said.

Kiana : Ne... Nadia.

Nadia : Hm?

Kiana : Do you think... We should get a good entire year break from all of this works?

Nadia : Hmph, don't be stupid. We can rest if the honkai is free from our earth. I know a short break won't enough but you should use your time wisely.

Kiana : Yeah... You always right.

Nadia : So, where's the best place that you said?

Kiana : *giggle* Just almost there.

Nadia : Oooo... Kay then.

**Timeskip, At The Garden**

(Would be good to play this BGM)

Kiana and me finally arrive at the garden. Well, I never see this place before. Must be someone doing this because he/she likes to plant a flowers. The air... So clean and refreshing. The smells... So flowerly.

Kiana : So? What do you think?

Nadia : Really good. I never know someone have this place.

Kiana : Well... It was Aunt Himeko who did this.

Nadia : Did she? That's nice of her.

Kiana : Do you think she is only like to drink, eh?

Nadia : N-No... Of course not! What make you think like that!? *blushing*

Kiana : Hehe, because you always keeping an eye on her. Mostly everyday.

Nadia : I-I-It's because I have to make sure that she won't drunk or fall asleep while she is doing her work... Stop asking me like that.

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