Chapter 09.Sorrow

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**Two days later, at Hyperion. Medical Bay, 8AM**
**Theresa's POV**

It has been two days, Nadia still not wake up yet. It really worries me now. Not only Nadia got heavily injured... Grandpa, he also took Kiana. Himeko also got captured by him. Bronya and Mei are doing good only got minor damage. Now my head feels dizzy. What should I do? Do I have to do this by myself? Or... I got no choice. Asking Anti-Entropy for help, it would make things easier.

Theresa : Kiana... Nadia... Please, hang in there.

Guard : Excuse me, Miss Theresa. You got a call from Dr.Einstein and Tesla on the bridge. They want me to call you.

Theresa : Alright.

I went to the bridge and start talking to both genius in Anti-Entropy... Dr.Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla. Hope they can lend me a hand to bring Kiana back.

Einstein : Pleasure to meet you, Miss Theresa. We receive a request from you to help bringing back Kiana Kaslana.

Tesla : Heh... I wonder what is The Overseer gonna with do her.

Theresa : He will infuse honkai energy to Kiana and make her as Herrscher of the Void. The long known Herrscher who died and left the core on Otto's hand.

Einstein : With that, The Overseer doing his crazy experiment again. The Herrschers are powerful. Not a single strong human can stop them.

Tesla : So, what do you want?

Theresa : We have to bring Kiana back to us no matter what. I hope you can understand my request and gladly lend a hand for Schicksal.

Tesla : Ehhhhhh... Even tho we have bad past memory, because some of you almost destroy whole place just to get Raiden Mei.

Einstein : It did but all that fault was Cocolia's work. She really can't thinking about getting Herrscher of Thunder gems.

Theresa : We can ditch that and start it from fresh, if you want to.

Tesla : Hmph, I guess I take that. How about You, miss genius?

Einstein : There is no option to say no. Your request is accepted. We will prepare our best Mech to lend you a hand. Anything to say before we end this up?

Theresa : I... Deeply saying, Thank You. We will also prepare ourself. Good luck and see you tomorrow.

I end up the call and I can finally catch breath. They accept my request and this could be easy to get Kiana back.

Nurse : Miss Theresa, Nadia is awake. But, there one bad news about her.

Theresa : I rather not hear it.

Nurse : Well, I am afraid I have to. She didn't want to eat or drink her medicine. It is best for you to talk with her.

Theresa : Alright... Lead the way

**Timeskip, Medical bay**

We arrive at Medical bay. Before we enter the room, the nurse warn me not to make Nadia feel down, or she will have trauma and her back will heal slowdown. I open the door, Nadia sit on her bed with... Blank face and hopeless eye.

Theresa : Nadia... You finally awake.

Nadia : ...I fail.

Theresa : Huh?

Nadia : ...I fail to protect her. If I dodge the attack, I can defend Kiana last longer but... I didn't.

I walk to her and hold her right hand.

A Hope In The Flame (Female OC x Honkai Impact)Where stories live. Discover now