Special Chapter 06.Another Test

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**Date & Time : Thursday, April 15th 2018, 10AM In The Morning, Principal Theresa's Room. Theresa's POV**

It has been like two hours, I still working on this paper. God, the paper piles... Are now look like a tower on my desk. Coffee isn't enough to keep me energize. If I can count how far my progress is... Morely like 20%.

Theresa : Guuuuhhhh... How am I gonna finish this quickly? I can't even have time to read-

Nadia : Your HOMU comic.

Theresa : GAH!!

I fall from my chair because Nadia appear out of nowhere.

Theresa : Ouch...

Nadia : Here *she offer her hand to help me get up which I accept her offer and get up slowly*

Theresa : N-Nadia... I didn't know that you come here.

Nadia : Well... I was knocking the door but it seems you were so focus until you not knowing it.

Theresa : R-Really? I see... Sorry if I didn't heard it.

Nadia : It's okay.

I pinch Nadia on her left cheek which her face is bit cute and funny when she got pinch by me. That's the first punishment for her to come and saying loudly about my secret comic.

Theresa : Next time... You should never say that comic loudly. What happen if I got busted by others than you and Kiana?

Nadia : Ow ow ow ow ow, okay okay... I'm sorry. Stop pinching me, it hurts y'know?

Theresa : Hmph, baka.

I stop pinch her cheek and continue my work. I'm holding my laughter a bit because Nadia's cheek is now red because I pinch her.

Nadia : Hm? Busy with all of the papers?

Theresa : Yeah... It's been like two hours, I only leave 20% progress so far.

Nadia : Want me to help you?

Theresa : Sure. Wait, do you have any teaching schedule today?

Nadia shaking her heads saying no to me. She took two piles of the paper and put it on the tea table.

Nadia : Nope, I'm totally free today. Just comin' to check up on ya.

Theresa : I see. Alright then. Here *I give her a paper full of correct answers* You can use this to check those answers. Don't worry, I also wrote the score depending how many they answer it correctly.

Nadia : Aye-aye, ma'am.

Now, both of us working on the paper. With Nadia helping me, I can finish this bit faster. Hmmmmm... Probably after I finish this, I will ask Nadia to do another test.

**Timeskip, 12PM**

Phew... Our work is finally done. With this, I can sleep tight tonight. Before that... I really wanna do another sparring with Nadia.

Theresa : Hey Nadia, after lunch... Can you meet me on the simulation room?

Nadia : Eh? What for?

Theresa : Well... It's been long time I didn't have sparring with you.

Nadia : Ah, I see. Sure.

Without hesitation, she said "sure" with no problem at all. Since she has two different power... One is from her father, Strife. And her alter side. I really wanna see, how strong she is now. To match with her power, I will use half of Oath of Judah power.

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