Extra Chapter 5. Love Is In The Air

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"How about if we... Have a lot of timeskip. This chapter is special for Herrscher of the Void. The time will be after everything is done from rescuing Fu Hua"

**Saint Freya's Dorm. Saturday, 9AM. Sirin's POV**

This is my first day that I will... Have a date with Nadia. Kiana come as well since both of us are her girlfriend. I feel... So happy and my heart beat is quite fast. So this is... How human feel when they are falling in love.

Kiana : Sirin?

Sirin : Y-Yes?

Kiana : Oh, alright. You just stood silent on the mirror recently. Thinking about something?

Sirin : Y-Yeah... It just... I don't know...

Kiana came to me and she put both of her hands on my shoulders.

Kiana : Don't worry, I will help you with this date. It won't be hard, I promise.

Sirin : T-Thanks Kiana. I cannot believe... It's been like a month, people around Saint Freya and Hyperion are like me and start to accept me.

Kiana : It all thanks to Nadia. She did great for you and even everyone. See? They didn't hate you. They feel sympathy on you. What Nadia said is always right. We never hate each other.

Sirin : Yeah... Both of you are right.

Suddenly, she carress my arm softly and make me bit... Tickled by her hand.

Sirin : K-Kiana... What are you-

Kiana : Feels like I'm touching myself.

Sirin : O-Of course... I have same body like you.

Kiana : Mhm.

She still keep doing it and I'm trying to hold my shyness. I hope Nadia isn't watching us right now.

Sirin : T-That's... Enough, Kiana.

Kiana : Oh? I thought you want some more.

Sirin : I'm... Good with that, thanks.

Someone knock our door. Kiana went to open it and surprise-surprise... It's Nadia.

Nadia : Heya girls, what's up?

Kiana : Darling!

Kiana hug her as Nadia patting Kiana's head. Kiana enjoying the pat like a cat love being stroke their head.

Sirin : Nadia... About time.

Nadia : Are you both waiting for me?

I shakes my head saying no. Though to be honest, we just about to go to her room. Turns out, she's the one who instead doing it.

Kiana : Are you never feel bored to wear another clothes than this?

Nadia : Nah, never. This one does look more appealing and match me.

Sirin : ...You look like to Himeko to me.

Nadia : Ah-haha, even Sirin said that as well.

Kiana : You sure you are not Himeko-sensei daughter, right?

Nadia : I'm 100% sure.

Kiana : Okie. Well, let's go to our double date.

I look away and hiding my blush from Nadia. She notice me. Kiana goes to my back, she put her both hands on my shoulder and slowly push me to Nadia.

Sirin : K-Kiana?

Kiana : What's wrong? You look beautiful with that. Of course, Nadia like your style. Right, darling?

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