Extra Chapter 1. The Truth

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"Yup, like the title said. This chapter will tell about Theresa. I just remember that Nadia won her training battle with Himeko. So yes, Himeko will do her promise to Nadia. Also, this also will tell you how Nadia knows Sirin."

**Flashback, Medical bay**

**Himeko's POV**

Himeko : So, how is it, Doc?

Doctor : Hmmmmmm. Yes. Your left arm are now back to normal.

Theresa : Glad to hear that.

Doctor : Since Nadia isn't here. May I remind you again. Don't let her carried away with her power. Or you end up like this... Even worst, she will burn you alive.

Himeko : Alright, I keep that in mind.

Doctor : Good. Now, I should go back to my room and continue my research.

He left the medical bay and heading to his room.

Theresa : Hmmmmmm... *thinking*

Himeko : What's up in your mind, Principal?

Theresa : What he said is right. We should limit her power usage. Nadia only allow to use her power, just to protecting, not intend to attack.

Himeko : Agree. Oh anyway... I just remember something.

Theresa : What? A promise that you want me to tell her about who really am I?

Himeko : You read my mind.

Theresa : Well.. Since I trust both of you, I don't mind. Just remember, this is only our privacy.

Himeko : Okay, big boss.

Theresa : Cut your teasing. It won't work.

Himeko : Hehe, gotcha.

**Timeskip, in front of Nadia's room**

Theresa : You sure it is fine to tell her?

Himeko : She is a person that can hold someone's word. Do remember that she really put her own life just for us.

Theresa : You're right.

Himeko : Ok. *Knock the door* Nadia-chan, may we come in? Miss Theresa also her to talk with you.

Nadia : ...In

Theresa : Hmmmm... That's different.

I open the door. I'm surprised when I got in Nadia's room, her room is bit mess. Nadia just sitting on her bed, covering her face with both of her knee. There's a food and drink on her table but, she didn't eat and drink it.

Himeko : Oh my.

Theresa : Eh? What is-*looking around Nadia's room*... Nadia?

Nadia : ...

**Thirdperson POV**

Himeko and Theresa never see Nadia being down for four days. It was that time Nadia still feeling guilt from accidently hurt Himeko's left arm. The one they know about happy and cheerful young girl, turn into sad girl. Himeko just stand silent near the table where the foods are on, while Theresa trying comforting Nadia.

Himeko : No wonder, some of the guards say that you didn't eat well since four days.

Theresa : Nadia? You okay?

Nadia : Tell me... Is this my curse?

Himeko : ...

Theresa : N-No, it is-

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