Chapter 13.Wandering

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**Somehow, Arc City. Kiana's POV**

Been months that I stuck in this city. Clueless... No place is safe... Nowhere to run... Nowhere to hide. The only thing I can do is being a person behind the shadow and keep running. The only weapon that I'm using is my baseball bat. But... I cannot use my power, or I will lost my control again.

**Few Moments That Kiana Had With Fu Hua Inside her mind**

Kiana : Class... Monitor.

Fu Hua : It is nice to see you again, Kiana.

Kiana : ...Why you did this? Why you betray us?

Fu Hua : ...I'm sorry. I cannot do anything against him. He will kill me if I didn't do what exactly he said.

Kiana : You know, rule is made to be break, right? Why do you care about him more than us?

Fu Hua : ...I-

Kiana : Enough with all of this. Just because of you following his stupid request, you almost make me kill Nadia back there. I've seen everything what Sirin do. Without Nadia's father help, I already kill her and will not be rescue. Even Aunt Himeko will sacrifice herself just for me and Nadia.

Fu Hua : ...Kiana, listen to me. I mean yes... I feel guilty that I make you like this. I know you almost kill Nadia-san. Himeko will also sacrifice herself if Nadia-san didn't make it. It isn't your fault. If you want to blame me, go ahead. I will not be mad at you. I take every fault that I did. But right now, I am here to help you to resist "her" power.

Kiana : ...All of this make me so dizzy. Whatever. This is half of your fault. If you want to know who get all of this, is that damn Otto. I don't even care if he is Aunt Theresa Grandpa, I definetly will kick his ass if I have a chance to meet him. You said if you want to help me, then prove it! Don't just loud talk but all bark.

Fu Hua : I will.

Kiana : Good. If you did, I will apologize everything what you've done to me and Nadia. Even everyone at Hyperion.

Fu Hua : Understandable.

**Back to Arc City**

Kiana : So, you telling me that I'm also being wanted by them?

Fu Hua : "Yes. Best for you not to do many action. If someone need help, let them do it. You can't fight, so avoid anything that getting your way at all cost"

Kiana : But... They-

Fu Hua : "Kiana, when I say "no", I mean it."

Kiana : Alright...

Fu Hua : "You can fight unless you have to"

Because Class Monitor tell me not to fight against the honkai, that means... I have to hide in the darkness. Man... I'm so hungry. Smelling a nice food makes me want to have one but... I don't have money or I'll be busted. I put my hoodie on so no one can find me easily.


Kiana : A honkai breach?

Fu Hua : "This is not good, Kiana hide!"

I rush to find a good place to hide. I hide in the dark alleyway. As the alarm goes off, I can see several jets from Schicksal and... World Serpent? What the heck are they doing here? Don't tell me they are working together!?

Fu Hua : "Oh no, the World Serpent. I'm guessing Otto is working together with them as well. Hm? Isn't that Rita-san?"

Class Monitor spot Rita on the middle of the street. I can see that she is wearing a nee battlesuit. Guess the hunting game is start.

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