Chapter 02. Vision

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A/N : Sooooo... Nadia doesn't have Herrscher power. That means, she is pure human?

Yes, Nadia doesn't have or want to be a part of Herrscher. To tell you the truth, Nadia hate herrscher. She blame the Herrscher who cause all the chaos on her homeland.

A/N : What's her objective?

Bring the world to peace, with destroying every Honkai and avenge her father without being part of the Herrscher.

A/N : Is she have high resistance of Honkai in her body?

Good question. The answer, is yes. She has.

A/N : I see. Are you gonna tell us why and how she got her power?

Well, you're about to see it in this chapter.

*Nadia's POV*

Me, Mei-senpai, Kiana and Bronya are enjoying our meal in the canteen. I cannot lie, they make some good toast even it is simple. While on otherside... Kiana, guess she has lot of space on her stomach. She ate like 5 different foods. 1 toast, 1 pizza slice, 1 sandwich, 1 burger and 1 mint jelly. I just shake my head while Mei-senpai just giggling, seeing how Kiana eating all of them with such speed. Bronya, she just enjoying her yogurt.

Bronya : Subject Nadia, you okay? The Bronya saw a scratch mark on your right hand.

Nadia : Hm? I'm fine.

Mei : Want me help you to disinfected spray to your hand?

Nadia : ...Alright

Mei-senpai hold my right hand and start to spray with alcohol. It hurt a bit but, what she said is true. Kiana done with her food and truly, I can see joy on her face. I never imagine a girl like her, has giant appetite.

Kiana : Man, this is so delicious!

Nadia : ... *smile*

Mei : Eh? You smiling, Nadia-san.

Nadia : You guys... Never change since the first day I met all of you.

Mei : *giggle* My, I still remember that.

Kiana : Eh? Nani? nani? Are you guys talking something?

Bronya : Idiotka won't understand what both of them talking.

Kiana : What do you say, Bratnya!?

Nadia : Cut it, both of you. Look around you, Kiana.

Kiana just stood silent and look around the canteen. She just giggle and scratch her back head.

Kiana : I-I let you win this time... Baka Bronya, Hmph!

Nadia : *Small chuckle* Heh, still tsundere as always.

Kiana : H-hey!

Mei : *laugh* Yeah, I agree with you, Nadia-san. I still love that moment for our first time meeting.

Bronya : The Bronya agree as well.

Kiana : I don't know what you talking but pretty sure, you guys remembering that time, eh?

Nadia : About time your muscle memory remember that.

Kiana : N-Nadiaaaaaa *blushing*

We laugh because this is our first time seeing Kiana blushing. Guess her tsundere face can't hide forever, huh?

Theresa : Well well well. Aren't you guys enjoying some lovely past time topic?

Kiana : Gah!! Aunt- I-I mean... principal Theresa! Where do you come from?

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